In Which He Is Overworked

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"Hey Yamada! You look like shit!" Kayama said as she walked into the teacher's lounge. The normally bright and cheerful Radio personality was now tired and droopy. He had been for a couple days.

"Yeah, I guess I do." The blonde rubbed his forehead as he yawned slighty. "I'll get over it." He stood up, steadying himself after he felt himself getting dizzy.

Kayama knit her eyebrows and walked forward. "Maybe it isn't a good idea for you to be teaching. You need rest." She pushed.

"I'm fine Nemuri. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to teach English to." Yamada grabbed the papers on the coffee table and walked out of the room leaving the female hero in the room with some other staff. They all made eye contact with a sigh and heavy eyes.

"That man worries me sometimes. I wonder what is going on in that head of his." Kayama sat down infront of Snipe next to All Might as she leaned her chin on her wrist.


"And so I don't have to hear it. Present Mic, you're up." Aizawa said as he walked over to his sleeping and climbed inside of it.

"Good morning you crazy listeners! Who is ready for some English!?" Yamada yelled as he slid into the classroom with his normal energy, though it was down slightly and he looked slightly more slumped. Like Aizawa if he stopped oversleeping.

The normally tired man paid attention to the blonde's language. He was acting very off ever since, well they found out.

"Now to start this out! How about you pass up the free writes eh? Just to see where you all are at!" Yamada sent finger guns around the students as they all sent their papers towards Iida who in turn gave them to Yamada.

"Here you go Mic-sensei." The teen turned and went back to his seat after giving the hero a bow.

"Thank you listener!" The host turned on his heels to the board only to get a dizzy spell. "Now-" Were the only words he got before his legs gave out.

Aizawa quickly sprang into action catching the taller man, shocking the class when he yelled slightly. "Mic!" He said as he held the blonde up by under his arms.

"Oh, hey there Eraser! How are you today?" The loud blonde gave him a tired smile as as he held onto Aizawa. He was shaking slightly, but it was obvious on how he was gripping the other's arm.

"I'm fine but you are not." Aizawa rose an eyebrow as he held his eye contact to the man he had known for just under half his life.

Slowly, Yamada tried to hold himself up. He failed, miserably and ended up collapsing completely, his shades knocking off when his head hit Aizawa's shoulder.

Aizawa knit his eyebrows as he slowly brought Yamada down to the ground. The first thing he picked up on were the dark and deep purple, almost black circles under the blonde's eyes that crawled above to the bridge of his nose to the crease. How come he hadn't noticed this before? "Hizashi?" He tapped the man's cheek as he leaned down to make sure Yamada was breathing. After getting no response, he sighed and looked up. "Iida, go get Recovery Girl now." His voice was stern and the youngest Ioda immediately left the room.

The class was stunned with silence as their normally calm, emotionless and stoic face teacher showed concern, worry and confusion.

"Hate to do this." Aizawa reached for the zipper of the host's jacket and pulled it down enough to show the orange muscle shirt underneath. He curled his index and middle finger and rubbed the knuckles roughly across the man's sternum. Still no response. "Damnit Hizashi, what the hell did you get yourself into?" He muttered under his breath as he reached behind Yamada's neck to take the speaker off. He knew he was going to end up carrying him so it was easier to take the 10 lbs speaker off him.

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