Chapter 1

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Lin Beifong was known as many things- chief of police of Republic City, daughter of Toph Beifong, talented metal bender, and one of the toughest people around. However, few really knew who Lin was underneath her hard exterior. Lin reveled in her mystery- refusing to be truly known. As she sunk into her bathtub, she reflected on the past few years. Korra had been her focus for quite some time and her team combined forces to save Republic City and restore balance to the world. It had truly been an eventful experience, stopping the forces that threatened the daily existence of the great Republic that Avatar Aang had dedicated his life to create; and now that the excitement was over, Lin's mind was free to roam to the dark recesses. Until recently, she had been able to cut off that part of her mind- something she was thankful she learned from her job. Her mother began to emerge through the fog in her mind, and for th4 first time in years, Lin let herself contemplate her relationship with her mom. Toph Beifong, much like her daughter Lin, was not one for affection and had a strained relationship with her children. Although she would never admit it, Lin was jealous of her half sister, Suyin, who was free to travel the world, have adventures, and eventually settle down and start a family. It had always been so easy for her, being the youngest, whereas Lin sought out structure and order to follow in her mother's footsteps. All she wanted to do was make her mother proud but no matter how hard she tried, it seemed as though Toph was indifferent at best. Lin had done her best to make peace with her strained relationship with Suyin back during her visit to Zaufu, but she knew that no matter how much she tried, that was always going to be a sore spot.

She sat up a bit and something shiny caught her eye. It was the gold badge on her discarded uniform crumpled on the floor- symbolizing all of her hard work and accomplishments as police chief of Republic City. She reached for it and held the cold piece of metal in her hands. She ran a finger over it for a moment before casting it aside. Her time as chief was coming to an end soon and then what? Will she disappear into obscurity in the swamp like her mother? Will she move to Zaofu to be with her other family? It was the uncertainty that scared her most. Lin had structured her entire life around her work and without it, she was forced to face the reality that she may not even know herself without her uniform. In an attempt to cast these thoughts aside, she rose from the water, toweled off, and slipped on a robe. She walked over to her mirror and examined herself carefully. Her hair, which was once a stark black like her mother's had turned silver long ago, framed her strong cheekbones. Her scars, although treated by the best healers in the world, still remained as two faint red lines on her cheek- a constant reminder of what happened between her sister all those years ago. Lin contemplated her reflection- this was truly the longest she had ever stood in front of a mirror. Lin never once considered aesthetic when looking at herself but instead only strength. It mattered more to her how well she could take a punch rather than her figure- but looking at herself now in a new light, she had to admit she found parts of herself worth admiring. Lin had always liked her arms for their strength, but strength aside she did have to admit the tight muscles running up and down her arms did look quite nice. She then had an idea- quickly before she could chastise herself for her vanity, Lin first let her robe fall gently past her shoulders, exposing her collarbones. She did a little turn and let it fall even more until it was at her waist. She glanced at her back, again admiring the sculpted muscles from years of earth and metal bending. Letting out a deep breath, she finally let go of the robe entirely and looked at herself critically, fully exposed for what felt like the first time in her life.

Lin had always thought of herself as "chief"- proud of her courage and strength, but she had never really thought about herself as a woman. Her uniform was designed for speed, agility, and to help her bending, rather than showing off her curves. Although she was tall and strong, Lin noticed she had slender shoulders, sloping hips, and a very feminine frame. Suddenly there was a knock at her door and she hastily wrapped her robe around herself once more, her face growing hot with embarrassment. "What?" she asked gruffly. She opened the door slightly and peered out. It was the Avatar. "Hi Chief, I hope I'm not disturbing you," said Korra, noticing the robe. "Not more than usual," retorted Lin. "I just came over to invite you to the Air Temple. Tenzin and Pema are having a little family gathering and we were hoping you would join." Lin mulled over the offer in her head before agreeing to go. She had been cooped up in her apartment for a few days and was starved for social interaction. "Great! We'll see you tomorrow night at 8," Korra said with a smile. "Um... Korra, would you like to come in?" Lin said, wondering what just came over her to invite a guest into her home. Lin herself was rarely in her own space let alone others. "I was just making a pot of tea and wondered if you wanted any?" said Lin, trying to legitimize her invitation. "Ok, sure," Korra said, walking cautiously into Lin's home. "Just give me one moment to get decent," Lin shouted from behind a changing partition. She quickly threw on an old Metalbending Academy shirt and some pants and moved to the kitchen to start making tea. "I can get that!" Korra said running over the pot. Lin raised an eyebrow as Korra produced a small flame in her palm and began to heat the water. "Thanks," Lin said, a bit annoyed at Avatar's enthusiasm. Once the two had their cups of tea, Lin gestured to the small living room set and sat down. There was a silence that filled the room and Korra was the first to speak. "So... How have you been, Lin?" Lin sighed. "The force has been busy as ever since taking down Kuvira. We've been teaming up with the metal clan to find her remaining supporter and crush any sort of last chance rebellion against the Earth Kingdom." Another pause. "Well, it must be nice to be working with your sister again," Korra said, quickly realizing that this was the wrong thing to say. "Half sister," Lin corrected her. "Was there anything you wanted to talk to me about, Chief? I was a bit surprised when you asked if I wanted to have tea," Korra said getting to the point. Lin quietly thanked her for her bluntness. "I am trying to be better about communicating and... feelings," Lin spat out the last word. Korra leaned forward in her chair, intrigued. Lin sighed again, "Korra, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. My time as police chief is approaching its end. I believe that I may be in need of some... guidance." "What do you mean?" Korra asked. "When we were in Zaofu the first time, I tried something new. I did acupuncture for the first time and it made me realize I have some issues with my chi. They are all concerning my family. I don't expect you to understand, but I think it's time I try to make peace with that part of myself and with my family." "Why do you need my help? Didn't you just say that the acupuncture was helping?" "Because I need to learn inner balance, okay?!" Lin shouted. Lin regretted yelling at the young Avatar and took a sip of her tea. "I'm sorry, but that is why I need your help. Your whole life is about balance- ever since that day in Zaofu, I have been having to confront a part of myself that is clearly out of balance." Lin took a big deep breath. "Korra, please will you help me?" Korra was stunned. She had never heard the Chief say the word "please" before. "If I help you, will you accept that I am the teacher and you are the student? I am in charge?" Korra asked after a minute. Lin looked down, "Yes. I will try." "Our first lesson is tomorrow morning. Meet me at the Air Temple at dawn." Korra got up to leave and opened the door. "And Korra," Lin said before she could leave. "Please, don't tell anyone about this. This is private." Korra nodded and closed the door behind her.

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