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You don't wakeup until the light morning, all of you naked in Jason and Shane's luxurious bed. Shane groans and stretches, a movement that moves the hole mattress. Breaking character for a movement,  Jason gives you an approving grin.

" I'm starving." - Shane.
" You're always hungry." - Jason.

Jason stretches to the night stand to retrieve his phone, and the sheet slides away from his bare chest. ' Damn. that view just never gets old.' Noticing your blatant ogling, Shane smirks.
" Like what you see?" - Shane.
" Definitely." - Ana.

Shane wraps an arm around your middle, lightly brushing the underside of your breasts." We definitely like what we see." He kisses your shoulder and tugs the sheets away from your body. They are both drawn to your freed breasts like moths to a flame. It only takes Shane's tongue on your nipple and Jason's hand palming your breast before you're panting shallowly with need.
' I almost wish my body didn't need food. I should put a pass on this before we start allover again.' " You know.... I can help you with that empty stomach." Shane pauses, his eyebrows shooting up.
" Oh yeah?" - Shane.
" Mind if I snoop through your refrigerator? " - Ana.
" No. As long as you're naked." - Shane
" Cooking naked in the kitchen might be hazardous." - Ana.
" You could wear one of our shirts and nothing underneath." - Jason.
" I might consider it." - Ana.

When the men leave to freshen up in the bathroom, you hold up their discarded shirts. ' Mmmm... They smell good. I will wear Jason's white Nick T shirt.'

You wonder into the kitchen check out their pantry ' looks like they have everything I need to make waffles.' You start on a basic batter, then search the fridge for more ingredients. ' oh... Strawberries and whipped cream. Perfect.' A few minutes later Jason and Shane emerge from the bedroom.

" You look sexy as hell in that, ana." - Jason.

You smile as they come in and survey the ingredients that spread over the counter. " I'm making waffles." - Ana

" That sounds amazing. Can we help?" - Shane.

" No.... I don't want you two ruining my work." - Ana

" Who said we'd ruin it? " - Shane

Jason lightly runs  a finger across the nape of your neck.
" I think she's calling us distractions." - Jason.

Shivering, you nod and then make a shoowing gesture at the men. " Go. Wait on the deck. I'll bring it out when it's ready.

" Well, all right. If you're sure." - Shane.

After the men leave, you finish cooking up the waffles with cinnamon , strawberries and whipped cream. You bring the plates out to the deck and hand one to jason and one to Shane." Breakfast is served."

Shane takes one bite and groans like he's having another orgasm. " Jesus. Unbelievable sex and unbelievable cook. We hit the jackpot."

" Well... You haven't won me at............I take a lot more wooing than that, and what if I'm a self serving bitch underneath the delicious cinnamon?" - Ana

" I doubt that. We've had experience with self serving bitches before." - Jason.

" Really? You guys have been in a relationship with another women before? " - Ana.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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