Second Interaction

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After the incident with Valentino, Artemisia had to be more careful. She now had the moth and the Flatscreen to avoid.

Right now, she was visiting a quiet pub where she knew none of the Overlords would go. It was on the end of the city where crime was less frequent and the residents were mostly those who committed suicide in life.

She stepped into the bar, Sinner's Solitude, and the bartender greeted her. As well as a few patrons there.

"Art. Usual I presume?"

"You know it." Artemisia said as the bartender made her a chocolate martini with butterbeer garnish.

She was enjoying the silence as she looked at a bouquet of flowers nearby. One of white lilies. It was rare to get them in Hell if possible. But Artemisia liked them.

They reminded her of her mother.

She heard another person come in, and other patrons made frightening noises as they hid.

"Ah! There you are darling! I was wondering why you entered a pub like this, but I can see why. It gives off a old-fashioned charm to it. Nice and quiet too."

Great. It's the strawberry chatterbox.

"What are you doing here?"
"Apologies my dear, but I was looking forward to chatting with you. I would've called you first to ask, but they said you had no service." Alastor said sitting down next to the green doe, like he owned the place.

"I don't have a phone. I don't even own a TV, radio, or a car. I prefer the old fashioned form of letters. That's how I get requests from clients." Artemisia said as she drank her martini.

"My goodness. You're raking in money, yet you haven't owned a radio yet!?"

"Not even when I was alive. My school had a strict no technology policy. Even the headmaster obeyed it. We did a lot of things by hand." Artemisia said rolling her eyes.

"Well, it would explain why you never heard of me, or any of the Overlords my dear." Alastor said in a smooth voice. Artemisia noticed as she was finishing her drink, the red buck was too close for her comfort. She could practically smell blood on him from his victims.

She opened her mouth to say something, only to squeak as she turned red as she reached to her backside.

He pinched her tail!

Then he swiftly pinned her against the bar counter. Hip to hip. Chest to chest.

She could feel his warm breath on her face, and despite the rumors of him being a cannibal, his breath was surprisingly minty with a bit of cinnamon.

But she kept her composure with a acid green glare which matched his glowing red stare of amusement.

"I may not know how powerful you are, but I intend to find out. Especially after that fiasco you pulled on the moth and the broken calculator. Once I do," he paused as his eyes gained radio dails.

"I intend to savor the moment. Breaking you down, shattering your defenses, who knows. You've proven to be my best source of entertainment yet!" He grinned maniacally as he whispered into Artemisia's ear, his breath tickling her fur.

He pinched her tail one last time before pulling away and vanishing, leaving Artemisia blushing and her gaining a mad look.

This buck wants to play dirty?

Oh, he doesn't know the meaning of mischief!

She ain't the daughter and goddaughter of marauders for nothing!

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