a spartan determination

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It was a warm morning at Beacon Academy when the event that would change their lives forever happened.
In her 2 years at Beacon, Pyrrha always made sure to awake first, at 7 in the morning. She rose from her bed carefully, and looked to the side, towards her team, her family.
Ren and Nora were cuddled together, like always. While Nora was a chaotic mess of limbs, Ren slept like a log, unmoving and faceup. Their beds were closest to each other (Nora insisted) so it was easy for her to jump over to Ren's bed.

Pyrrha smiled at her surrogate siblings, warmth spreading through her chest. Her green eyes darted to the sleeping form of her love. He was sleeping quietly, his head buried in his pillow while he gently snored. Pyrrha walked to his bed, which was left of hers, and gently played with his messy blond locks.

2 years ago she got a family of her own, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.
I wish this moment lasts forever. Pyrrha thought. She remembered how alone she was before coming to Beacon. After her father's death, she had poured every fiber of her being into being the strongest, the best huntress in the world, to protect her single mother.

While she herself does not regret the loneliness that came with becoming a strong huntress, she nevertheless found herself thinking about those lonely days. A bright memory of last year changed her retrospective mood.
It was the dance, it was the first time Pyrrha had ever danced with friends. It was the first time a boy held her in his arms as they danced all night. It was the night Pyrrha realized she loved Jaune Arc.

The boy had been her saviour. The knight that had saved her from that horrible pain of isolation, of loneliness. The boy that had shown her that she alone was the master of her destiny, and that someone can only truly become strong by having precious people to care for and protect.

"Pyrrha?" Jaune murmured, slowly opening his eyes to the morning sunlight.
"Hello Jaune." Pyrrha beamed at him. Her good mood evident.
Jaune laughed.
"Someone's in a good mood today." He said. "Anything that your fearless leader should know about?"
"I'm feeling...thoughtful today." Pyrrha answered him. "I'm thinking about what has led me to this path, what has led me to y-you. I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything" She stuttered the last part, cheeks red.
Jaune blushed too, and chuckled with humor. "I wouldn't either, Pyr. I'm so glad you became my partner."

They held a longing gaze between themselves for a little bit, and slowly they inched forward. Pyrrha was freaking out inside. Is this it? she thought in a frenzy.

Ring! Jaune's scroll rung.

Gods damnit!

Pyrrha screamed internally as Jaune checked his scroll.
"Oh" Jaune said, his face twisting into worry
"What's wrong? What is it Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, worried as well.
"My Father is coming to Beacon. It's an Arc family emergency." Jaune said grimmly.

The cafeteria was halfway full when JNPR entered to break their fasts. The scent of fried bacon and eggs wafted through Pyrrha's nostrils as they entered side by side, Nora busily talking about another one of her dreams.
Pyrrha hated to tune her out, but found herself without a choice, as her attention was focused on her blonde leader. He walked slowly, his eyes downcast and his expression conflicted.
Pyrrha knew the reason why of course. Jaune and his father shared a very strong bond, that was strained when Jaune left to Beacon, against the wishes of his father. They had argued and their relationship suffered for it.

"What's eating Jaune?" Ren asked from Pyrrha's right side.
Pyrrha sighed, Ren had always been very emotionally intelligent and knew how to read the emotions of others.

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