Interlude: Nora's Quest

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Nora felt the happiest she had ever been in her life. Sure, Nora being herself always felt happy and cheerful, but this last week she felt ecstatic. Many a time she would see her best friend and honorary sister Pyrrha sad due to her inability to confess her feelings. this had all changed drastically. Nora almost couldn't believe it, yet now, her redhead friend always wore the brightest smiles, she was happy. Nora felt joy for her friend, and also felt joy that everyone else around them was also discovering happiness, she felt proud knowing she had a part in it (the great council was her idea after all)

But still, Nora couldn't shake off the feeling of discontentment that sometimes reared its head in the corner of her heart. That feeling of unfulfillment that would sometimes leave her pensive. Nora had given it thought, and finally arrived at an explanation.

Everyone's hooking up but me. She thought, a little depressed.

The discontentment that Nora felt was largely due to how easy the girls had confessed to her teammate (and honorary brother) Something that she was simply too afraid to even consider. How can she feel proud of giving her friends happiness when she hadn't achieved her own. She knew what she wanted, she wanted him. She wanted the stoic raven haired boy that she had grown with ever since their village fell. The sweet, considerate boy that had protected her from the wild for years, the boy that had bled for her and fought for her during their vagrant years. The boy that had once killed to keep her safe.

She wanted to yell out her love to him, but she always felt afraid. As if uttering the word love to him would destroy their relationship forever. It was silly, Nora knew, yet the doubts lingered on her mind and prevented her from taking that next step.

But today was different, she awoke in the morning without her usual cheerful laughter, but with steely resolve. She had flashed a look at Pyrrha and the champion immediately understood that Nora would want to talk later. The rest of her day went without a hitch, she consciously maintained her distance from the man she loved, and felt she had come off a little cold, but it was all for a greater purpose. Today, Nora Valkyrie would stop being a coward.

Team RWBY´s dorm had always perplexed Nora, particularly the bunk beds. How they retained their structural integrity when one was dangling from the ceiling with ropes and another held together by a stack of books, she would never know. She was sat on Ruby´s bed, while her feline friend and spartan sister both sat opposite of hers, their faces somewhat impatient.

Oh. Nora realized sheepishly, They´ve been sitting there for 10 minutes wondering why I wanted to talk to em´

"S-So..." Nora began, uncertain. "I want to confess to Ren, b-but I dunno how."

Amber and green eyes maintained their stoic gaze on the little viking, making her feel somewhat awkward. With a sigh, Blake produced her wallet from her pocket and started shifting trough her money bills.

"Alright, cough it up Blakey." Pyrrha said, smugly.

Wait what, Nora asked herself, perplexed.

After stashing away 20 lien that she had received from Blake, Pyrrha coughed into her fist and sheepishly smiled at Nora.

"Sorry about that Nora. I told Blake you wanted to talk and we made a bet on what you wanted. All in good fun though, I swear." Pyrrha said apologetically.

Nora blinked once. "So I guess you won that bet Pyr. Wait, what did Blake think I wanted to talk about?"

"Blake thought you wanted in on our little harem." Pyrrha said, rubbing the back of her head while Blake rubbed her arm and looked away rather embarrassed.

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