Breed The Thief

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"And I've also compiled a list of positions for you to try with our beloved. I'll send them to you right now. We must also discuss the matter of fertility, the Belladonna girl had a brilliant idea on using fertility pills. I have procured some for you, so rest easy, your impregnation is all but assured. I have also coordinated with Nikos and she has agreed to-"

Emerald sighed as she heard her former mistress, now harem sister, drone on about her turn. It was today after all. Emerald wasn't worried though, for she had a special plan that would surely make Jaune's night with her his best night with anyone on his harem.

"Emerald!" Cinder chastised her. "Pay attention! This part's important.."
"S-Sorry mistress." Emerald cringed the second the words left her mouth.

"Ella is fine, Emerald." Cinder smiled at her, warmly. Emerald knew getting used to this new, cowed and almost house wife Cinder would be an ordeal. Cinder herself rolled her eyes at her nervous expression, she waved at her dismissively.

"What were you thinking about anyway? You looked out of it."

"I appreciate what you're doing Cin-Ella, truly. But I already have a plan of my own." Emerald said each word carefully as to not come off as disrespectful. Cinder's amber eyes studied her for a bit and she nodded.

"I suppose I came off a little controlling back there. I apologize Emerald. You do have the right to plan your first night with our beloved, I was merely trying to help."

Okay, what the fuck. Emerald thought. It's like Jaune fucked the evil out of her.
Emerald chuckled to herself, lost in that train of thought. She wasn't truly evil though. Just lost. So was I, and Merc.

Emerald's face heated up as she remembered her unique bond with the Arc male. While some of her so called harem sisters said that they all loved Jaune from the beginning, Emerald thought that the man wasn't really that big of a deal anyway.

She had just finished her session in the Beacon gym when she passed the Arc in the hallway. At first she had thought him easy prey, and so tried to pickpocket him out of his wallet.
Emerald remembered the shock and fear that had permeated her face when he caught her wrist from behind. She had stood there like a deer staring at headlights for a solid minute.

Oh fuck me. She had thought. Now he's going to report me to a teacher or something. Great, our cover is busted to shit. Cinder is going to literally roast me alive…

"If you want to steal something, you need to make sure the person you're stealing from isn't training with a world renowned super fighter."
The man had said, almost boasting, with a somewhat playful tone.

He released her hand and smiled. His hand went up to scratch his cheek and Emerald froze.
Once upon a time, a little girl, a starving orphan had stolen some bread from a stall. When the owner had caught her however, he had hit her over the head with his fist, and cursed at her for being a "street rat".
Emerald didn't really think the blonde boy would've hit her, yet her current situation was so eerily similar to her horrible past that she had frozen in her boots in shock. Emerald wanted to scream at herself for being so utterly stupid that she would show any kind of weakness to a stranger.

The blonde's deep blue eyes caught her own terrified crimson ones and his own widened in surprise.
"D-Don't worry, haha. I know you didn't really mean to steal from me or anything. It's all cool." He gritted out awkwardly, trying to give her an out because of her evident distress. Emerald narrowed her crimson eyes at him and spoke.

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