⋆ ONE ⋆

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November 9th 2019

Maisie Elliots had never felt worry like it. Even sat on the sidelines, looking on at the proxy fights before the big one, she still couldn't shake the anxiety riding up her body. Not only was she in a densely packed venue, but the fight of the year was about to happen just in front of her.

Many people would be dreaming of being in her position tonight; sat front row of the Logan Paul vs KSI boxing fight, VIP access and able to experience it in real-time. Yet Maisie couldn't feel so disconnected from the moment.

Despite being good friends with Logan since 2017, due to Maisie editing his video's before moving back home to England to pursue her own Youtube journey, she still didn't care much about the fight.

Sure it was one of the biggest nights of Logan's career, but it wasn't Maisie's scene. Surrounded by people she didn't, or hardly, knew whilst they were getting more drunk throughout the night. It wasn't her idea or a great night.

"I need at least two more voddy's before this thing starts" a voice come with a nudge of her shoulder, "three sounds better, actually"

Rijana, Ray as Maisie had called her since primary school, was in the same boat. She couldn't care less, she did, however, love a night out.

"I'll go, I was off for another anyways," Maisie told her, standing up, pulling down her tight dress as she did so.

"Hurry back, we can catch up during Jake's fight if we're lucky he'll lose" Ray gave her a large smile before turning around to talk to Mike, somebody she had become close to whilst living in America.

That was one of the things Maisie hated about moving back to England, Ray wasn't there. The two had grown up together in the North of England, spending every day together before deciding to travel to America where they both became Logan Paul's editors. However, when Maisie returned home, moving down to London with her new friend Raven, Ray stayed in America.

Maisie made her way through the seats and down the isles, not knowing where she was heading but confident in her ability to get back before Logan's fight. She didn't care for Jake's fight, he was clearly fighting an underdog that had no chance of winning, he was basically bullying the other fighter, Deji she remembered his name as.

As she walked down a set of stairs, trying her best to follow the signs on the wall to find her way to the bar, but her already intoxicated state was making that difficult.

"Excuse me, hey-" A very tall man walked towards her, he wore a blue suit and held a microphone in his hand, a blond man followed him with a camera pointed in her direction, "you're Maisie Elliots right?" She only nodded, smiling at the boy she didn't know. It wasn't irregular for Maisie to be recognised, with three million subscribers on her own channel as well as many of Logans fans, the Logang as he called them much to her dismay, she had grown used to it.

"Yeah, yeah and you are?" She walked towards him, not having anything better to do, but she knew that she'd have to hold back and be careful of what she said. His accent was definitely English, which made her assume he was on the opposition's side, not that that was always true.

Twitter had given Maisie more than enough grief for being on the 'American' side despite being British, but in reality, she was on her friend's side, not caring about what continent he came from.

"Niko, but some call me Ring Side" he smiled at the camera, his eyebrows going up slightly, the blond man behind the camera smiled, it seemed Maisie missed a joke.

"Okay, Ring Side what can I do for you?" She smiled, leaning onto her back leg, her heels beginning to ache.

"You're on Logan's side right?"

"Yeah" she replied shortly, not quite knowing where this was going.

"What's your call? Third round knock out?" He held the microphone back out to her, whilst he seemed like a troll Maisie had no reason not to be civil.

"To be totally honest mate, I couldn't give a shit about boxing, I'm here to support Logan as a friend, and support him even more if he loses," she thought for a second, doing some last-minute caution control, "not that he will lose, I have some faith at least"

"Well, you seem pretty involved in it all," the blond man said, himself and Niko laughed.

"All I need to know is if you're willing to help me," his hand clutched her shoulder before letting go, not giving her time to reply as he spoke again, "that's right guys, I'll go as far as talking to the ops to do this"

"What are you doing, like?" Maisie asked, finally getting his attention.

"I'm going to get into the ring," he told her, laughing as her eyes widened slightly.

"Are you mad? This is America, they probably have guns" she told him, smiling as he burst out laughing.

"Yeah, that's why I need help" she nodded, willing to help him in hopes that his video would bang, despite not having a clue who he was or what channel he had.

"Find me at the end of the fight, I'll try my best to help you, yeah?" She smiled even brighter as he pulled her into a quick hug, thanking her multiple times before he was on his way and so was Maisie, praying that she'd find the bar soon enough.

Written: December 24th
Published: December 25th
New book yayyyy! I acc really like the idea for this book and hope yous enjoy:) also beg yous know ring side

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