⋆ TWO ⋆

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November 9th 2019

The bar was packed full of people all desperate for a drink, much like Maisie herself. However, unlike many of the others, Maisie didn't just throw herself at the crowed and instead slowly moved forward with the queue, a dark-haired girl to her side doing the same.

"Two pints please" the girl smiled as she leaned against the bar, finally reaching the front as a bartender asked what she wanted.

"And you?" Another man nodded towards Maisie as the first walked away.

"Two Vodka lemonades, please" she smiled, her eyes trailing towards the other girl, who surprisingly was already looking at her, "hi, I'm Maisie"

"Hi!" She smiled brighter, she was adorable, beautiful even. Her hair was straight down her back, touching her white tight dress, a thigh tattoo showing beneath, "I'm Mia, this might sound a bit mad but are you Maisie Elliots?" Maisie smiled at the girl, almost turning on a fake version of herself at the possibility of being with a fan.

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm great, me and my boyfriend, Will, watch your videos together, you're great" she smiled even brighter as her two pints were placed in front of her, quickly exchanging money before she turned back to her, "have a great night, hopefully I get to see you later" and with that, she was gone, Maisie watched her leave, seeing her talk to a tall boy wearing a kilt before she lost interest.

The girl had seemed nice, even with their limited interaction, it was just a shame she'd probably never meet the people she met tonight ever again. She looked up and down the bar, seeing the man still making her drinks, being rather slow at that, when a presence appeared beside her. Slyly looking over she saw it was the tall man Mia had stopped to talk to, however, she made no effort to start a conversation with him.

Only seconds later were two plastic pint cups placed in front of her, the bar mans hands barely leaving one of them when it fell, the liquid in it spilling down the bar, inches from hitting her. It would have spilt down her front had a hand not gripped her shoulders, pulling her to the side at the right moment.

"Oh my God, thank you so much" she held her chest, looking up to the tall boy from before.

"It's sound, don't worry lass" he smiled, his teeth slightly too big for his mouth but it fit with his head shape in general.

"Honestly, no amount of Vodka could bring me back from having a drink down my front" she laughed, "I'm Maisie"

"People call me Freezy," he started, using some napkins to start mopping up the spilt drink as the barman apologised profusely, running to get her another drink, "but just call me Cal"

"Come on I'll walk you back," He told her after they both got their drinks, guiding her back to the door, where they came out at a completely different part of the arena where she was meant to be, "Deji's on in about ten minutes so we should get a move on lass"

"Missing Jake's fight sounds amazing if you want to do a lap" She joked, her eyes scanning the crowd, looking for Ray.

"Oi, you're right you know might at well stay here and drink through it"

"Sounds like a plan" they began walking down the steps, reaching the ground floor.

"Where you sat then?" He asked, expecting her to have walked off as they descended the stairs instead of reaching the bottom with him.

"Over there...I think" she pointed through the ring, not quite being able to see but guessing it was in that direction.

"With the ops?" He joked, looking over to an empty seat next to who he knew as Mike.

"Well really, you're the ops" she flipped it, a small smirk pulling on her lips as she started walking away slowly, trying not to spill the drinks in her hands.

"Back to Logan's side with you lass, try not to spill it" he laughed as a drop fell over the side, "hope to see you later Maisie"

"See you Cal" she smiled, turning around and trudging her way back over.

In such a short amount of time, it seemed so much had happened, yet still, she had failed to miss Jake's fight.

"You took your time" was what she was met with when she sat down.

"Not long enough, apparently" Maisie replied, laughing as Ray's eyes widened, taking her drink with a large gulp.

"Now that hits the spot" Ray leaned back in her seat.

"You're telling me"

The two girls continued to giggle and talk animatedly as the ten minutes passed, whispering when Jake and Deji come out and their fight started again. To nobodies surprise, Jake won and acted a right arsehole about it.

"How's Logan doing?" She asked Mike as he sat down next to Ray. He'd been in the locker rooms hyping Logan up for the past twenty minutes before finally coming back, signalling the fight would be beginning soon.

"He's pumped, more nervous than he should be but ready to win," Mike told her.

That didn't surprise Maisie for a second, he was a worrier by nature. Whether it was about a video or how a shoot would go, he always looked on the bad side, however, he had a fierce determination in everything he did that should help. But, for some unknown reason as Logan was bet to win, she didn't believe that he could do it. Her own nervousness, perhaps.

She hadn't been there to see his first fight in person, she had watched online and was just as nervous as the next person, her fingernails basically gone by the end of it. So she couldn't begin to think of how it would feel in person if he lost.

"He'll be fine..." Ray spoke, breaking the awkward tension through the air.

She had to stop herself from saying a quick 'hopefully' knowing it would only damper the mood.

Suddenly, the music started playing a bit louder as the lights began getting a bit dimmer, and instead of looking towards where she knew Logan would be walking out of, her eyes were drawn towards just across the ring.

Scoping out to try and find Cal or Niko, who had both called her the 'ops' she also happened to notice Mia sat close to a brown-haired boy, probably the boyfriend she had mentioned before and sat in front of them, next to Cal who she had met briefly was a boy.

A boy that captured her full attention in only the seconds she got to glance at him, staff members walking between them so that her sight was blocked. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, rolled up to but below his elbows with a pint in his hand, his what looked to be dark blond hair messy despite the formal occasion.

And as she admired him from afar, his eyes travelled to her own. Capturing her gaze as they locked eyes, staring back at one another like a cheesy rom-com she'd probably watched too many times.

The crowd around her became static in her ears as she zoned out, not being able to focus on anything but the boy as he seemed to be feeling the same. A small smile gracing his lips as it did hers. Only when KSI entered the ring did his eyes shift, he stood up, putting down his drink first, clapping enthusiastically. Even then his eyes flickered back.

It took a further few seconds for Maisie to notice that Logan was also in the ring, making her too stand up, joining Ray in her cheering. However, through all of the rounds, her eyes kept floating back to the mysterious boy across the ring.

Written: December 25th
Published: December 25th

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