⋆ TEN ⋆

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10th November 2019

Contrary to what some may believe, downtown Los Angeles was freezing in the early hours of the morning. Near baltic, in fact, to the blonde stood in her short dress, tucking her arms around herself to shield from the wind.

Maisie had chosen to leave early, the rest of the party still buzzing inside despite the many people up and ready for work. She'd received a text from Mike only ten minutes ago, asking her to come back as Logan had asked for her, to which she left as soon as possible, now outside waiting for a taxi.

Her hair flew around her head, the wind from passing cars nearly whisking away her tipsy figure. Stood alone, despite arriving with a large group, one of being her best friend who had decided to ignore her when she spoke about going back, instead latching back onto the lanky Scotsman she had befriended earlier in the night.

"You alright?" A voice startled her, barely heard over the hustle of the city. Maisie spun around, catching sight of the boy she had hardly been able to take her eyes from all night.

"Y-yeah" she stuttered out, cursing to herself at how stupid she probably sounded, "just...waiting for an Uber," she told him.

"This early?" He slurred, taking a few steps closer, leaving his friends.

"It's four AM" Maisie laughed, shaking her head, seeing the intoxication in his eyes.

"Point made, the nights still young though," he told her, shrugging.

It was silent after that, more awkward than she wished it would be. All night she had been ogling this stranger, and now that she had the chance to talk to him her lips were sewn shut.

"I'm Harry" he spoke, starting quiet and getting louder as if he had been testing the words in his head.

"Maisie," she told him with a smile, turning to face him instead of the road, her arms still wrapped around her waist.

"You were...um" he paused, turning to look back at his friends, perhaps out of nervousness, before turning back to Maisie, "you were sat on Logan's side tonight...right" he visibly cringed, probably regretting his conversation opener, but Maisie only laughed.

"Yeah, I used to edit for him" she spoke tightly, her shoulders tense and back straightened, looking back and forth up the street for her Uber, wanting to be anywhere but there.

"Oh, used to?"

"Yeah, I left for my own channel," she told him, "Ray still works for him, though"

"Is Ray the one that's-" he motioned inside.

"All over Cal?" She raised an eyebrow jokingly, "yeah that's here"

"You know Cal?" Harry asked, genuinely surprised, if she knew Cal how come they hadn't met before? After all, the two were roommates.

"I met him tonight, saved me from a drink spillage" he nodded, realising his mistake.

"He's my roommate," Harry told her, to which Maisie nodded with a tight smile, whispering 'oh really' as she looked back at a car's horn.

Then the two were back to silence, more uncomfortable than comfortable at that moment, both of their awkward sides coming out. Neither particularly versed in starting - or carrying on - conversations.

It wasn't that Maisie didn't want to speak to the incredibly handsome man, after all, she had been not to secretly ogling him all night from across the room, like some kind of creep. It was more the fact that she couldn't.

All the stress of the night weighed on her usually chirpy shoulders, pushing her into a quiet, unsociable person who must have been a nightmare to talk to.

Once again a car beep caught their attention, however, when Maisie looked down at her phone it informed her that her Uber wasn't here yet. Meaning it was somebody else's.

"Oi, Bog, we're off - come on" a loud voice shouted, pulling their attention. Whilst Maisie took it as random shouting, Harry nodded, raising an arm to show he heard then started walking away.

Step by step, he seemed to slow, until he completely stopped. Standing still for a few seconds before spinning to look at her again.

"Um... do you- do you want to," he pointed behind him, "come with us, it'll... it'll be ages before yours-" he paused again, hoping and praying she got the gist.

Maisie considered, looking back to the road again, then to her phone which read twenty minutes away before back at Harry.

"Harry, come on lad!" A different voice shouted.

He threw his head over his shoulder before looking back at the shivering girl.

"We're going the same place anyway" he reasoned, smiling when he saw her tight lips release, taking a step forward.

"Are you sure?"


Written: 16th May 2021
Published:19th May 2021
If the next few chapters are shit don't even mention it, I've had the fattest writers block but at least I'm back.
ALSO, if you haven't seen it I have a new book its a c!quackity book so if you like that take a look :)

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