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November 9th 2019

Maisie Elliots was on the edge of her seat, or at least she would have been had she been sat down, but the fight was too intense to sit. Despite her, very clear, lack of interest earlier in the night she could hardly pull her eyes away from the ring.

Which didn't mean she hadn't. In fact, she had quite a few times during the first two rounds to look at the mysterious boy sat on the other side, bowing her head in order to see through the ropes in hopes of catching a glance of him.

Admittedly, the first two rounds hadn't gone well for Logan, and the third wasn't going much better. Whilst KSI had gone on the offensive, Logan stayed back, throwing minimal jabs compared to his opponent's major hits as well as slipping over twice.

Everybody could admit that before tonight Logan was the predictable winner; all bets were on him. He was taller, heavier and obviously held more muscle, however, KSI had shown himself to be a true underdog.

That familiar feeling was back in Maisie's stomach. She couldn't silence the voice in her head telling that she would need to console her friend tonight.

"Fucking hell" Ray nudged her shoulder as Logan took another step back, KSI landing a hit that had sent him down, however, miraculously, no knockdown had been called, "I'm sweating like a whore in church, I need another drink" If Maisie had been listening she would have laughed, but she was too focused on Logan as he stumbled back to his corner. He leaned against the ropes, Shannon 'The Cannon' Briggs shouting in his ear. Probably something along the lines of 'let's go champ' which only made Maisie roll her eyes. She had been staying at Logan's house for the past two weeks and had heard that phrase enough times to last her a lifetime.

"Where's she going?" Mike asked her, nodding in the direction of Ray, who was scuttling her way through the crowd and up a set of stairs.

"Bar" she replied shortly, watching Mike force out a laugh before looking back to Logan. Nobody on their side was quite up to laughing, Logan was rocked and they all knew it.

The crowd watched as the two fighters breathed heavily, sweat and a little bit of blood dripping from the both of them. Their chests rose so rapidly she was sure even people on the back rows could see them.

But Maisie's eyes were somewhere else.

Back again to the mystery boy. It was embarrassing at this point really, the number of times she'd lost interest in the fight to see him.

Maisie was a strong believer in men wearing suits, especially when it was the opposite of their usual clothing, so tonight was already a treat. Yet seeing him in a white collard shirt and blue suit trousers was different. He pulled off the casual smart look perfectly, and the pint in his hand only added to the look. If she had counted correctly, she'd say that was his fifth beer since the fight started, and he didn't look to be stopping any time soon. But then again she really couldn't speak, the bombshell of plastic cups at her feet was tell enough that she wasn't exactly sober.

A bell signified the beginning of round four but still, she didn't look up, too interested in the watchers to look at the fighters. KSI's, who she knew to be called JJ due to Logan's incessant ranting, side look to be full of friends or family. Every single one of them there to support him win or lose. Whilst Maisie couldn't help but look at Logan's side and see snakes in the grass.

Half of them celebrities or paid workers for his YouTube channel that were there tonight, much like she had once been and Ray still was.

Whilst KSI's side clung to each other in unity, hugging each other at every small victory he had, Logan's side were spaced, individually supporting him, it worked but had a completely different effect, even Maisie could see that.

It seemed that her mind had wandered so far off that she didn't register the eyes staring back at her. Their bright blue nature not coming across from such a range.

The boy, who Maisie had previously thought to be too interested in the fight to look her way, had been caught in the same loop as her. He would look in her direction every now and again, just to see her beauty that he couldn't deny. They hadn't even spoken yet she'd already taken her breath away, now that was a feat.

Maisie's admiring was soon cut off as the crowd seemed to split more than they already were. An audible gasp came from around her as KSI hit the canvas, before jumping back to his feet, stumbling away with his glove to his head.

"A knockdown!" Mike shouted, jumping in the air with his fist up, smiling brightly at Logan who held the side of the ring, his expression the opposite, his head shook the slightest bit.

"No" she spoke lowly, but Mike had heard her, repeatedly asking 'what?' in return as the referee walked to the judges.

KSI spoke to his coaches as Logan sat in his corner, Shannon once again screaming in his ear before a verdict was met, however, Maisie already knew it wouldn't be good.

"What's happened?" Ray asked, squeezing back to her seat as Jack Reiss held up two fingers.

"Logan's got minus two points for this round" Maisie explained, patting Mikes shoulder as he sank into his seat, looking utterly defeated as if he was the one fighting a boxing match, "it was an illegal punch"


Shit indeed.

Written: December 27th
Published: December 28th
Why is this kinda my favourite story of mine and i'm only 3 chapters in i-

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