216 - Christmas Eve *Modern*

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"-and they all lived happily ever after. The end." Francis de Valois-Angouleme finishes the book he'd been reading to his seven children. The eight of them were huddled on the impressive overstuffed couch, underneath a festive red and black tartan blanket Mary had had since she herself was a child being read to on Christmas night. 

The woman herself leaned against the doorframe with a smile, cupping her impressive belly through her red silk dress gently. She was surrounded by such love in this moment. Her precious little nine year old James, then Anne and little Francis all perched up on one of their fathers' sides, sipping their hot chocolates in their adorable little snowman mugs. James and Anne, the spitting images of her, but her little Francis held each and every feature of his father. Then the twins, Edward and Henry on the other side, holding her hair and Francis' eyes. Vivienne, all dark hair and the brightest blue eyes, then her precious little Genevieve, all dark gold eyes and a bright spun of golden hair. Her seven babies, the littlest one perched up on Francis' lap, still captured by the magic of Christmas.

"Right, should we get you two off to bed, then?" Francis asks his youngest daughters who were born just shy of a year of each other. Genevieve Isabella Aylee de Valois-Angouleme yawns, resting her head on Francis' chest, nodding sleeping, one thumb going into her mouth, her pink pyjamas all nuzzled into his torso. Mary smiles at her.

"No, wait, Papa!" Vivienne gasps. "We haven't set out mince pies and milk and carrots for Santa!" she says, pulling her blue sleeping gown impatiently, pointing to the bare little table near the impressive Christmas tree.

"She's right!" Edward looks up at his father. "We haven't!"

"Clever, you two are." Francis smiles, standing up, bringing little Genevieve onto his hip, slyly slinging the blanket on top of James, Anne and Francis. They squeal in protest. Francis chuckles, pecking his wife on her cheek as the eight of them go into the kitchen where some freshly baked mince pies (thanks, Leith) lay on a china small plate covered in a reusable silicone thingy (Kenna went on an eco kick a few months ago). He hands James the plate of mince pies, watching as his green eyes crinkle in concentration as he carefully carries the food to the table. Anne and Francis help take the glass of milk, while the smallest three take a carrot each. Genevieve lays her head on Francis' shoulder, closing her blue eyes.

"Is someone sleepy?" Mary asks quietly, coming in close as she swipes a blonde curl from her littlest daughters' face. The smallest member of the family nods slowly.

"Yes, mama." she says. "Real sleepy."

"Should we get you to bed then, my love?" Francis asks her, well aware at how the girl had him wrapped around her finger.

She hums.

"What do you hope to see tomorrow morning after Santa's been to give you a gift?" Mary asks her daughter quietly. "Anything you wanted?"

"I want baby brother to come out tomorrow, mama. So we can have a christmas baby." she says, reaching to place a hand on Mary's impressive stomach. She's so large this time, with what could be their last baby. They had thought this little baby in front of her would be their last, but here she is, three years later. Of course, they weren't planning on having any more, but it was up to God if he thought they would be blessed with another child. Not that she would have minded another couple little bundles of joy, Mary adored being a mother, and carrying her husbands' children inside her body.

"Who knows, my love. You might be right, mama's almost ready to have him." Francis says, brushing her hair out of her face as she closes her eyes again, already half gone. "Let's get your sister so the two of you can go to sleep, hmm?"

Francis makes his way into the living room, collecting Vivienne (much to the protest of the little girl. She hated going to sleep, she was her mother's daughter after all. Genevieve was much like her father in her calm demeanor.) and letting all the rest of the children bid the littlest ones a goodnight, before he takes the girls into the staircase where their shared bedroom lay. Mary smiles with her elder children, quickly putting on a christmassy film to get them to settle, resting on the couch with her twin boys as they hop up and cuddle up.

Little do they know, just past midnight, little Genevieve would grant her wish, for her brother would make his way into the world just as the jingle bells sounded above the rooftops. And the children would wake up tomorrow morning with a hoard full of gifts and a returning mother and father coming home from the hospital, a newborn baby boy with blonde hair and blue eyes in their mother's' arms.


And that's looking like it for our christmas hoard of updates. What better way could I end this little saga than Frary babies on christmas eve/day? I don't know if I'm gonna be able to squeeze out an update or two tomorrow, since I'll be doing the whole Christmas thing, but I will definatley try to get a little chapter or two up. Christmas requests are open, but if I don't manage to pop in for a quick few minutes tomorrow, I hope you all have a magical christmas and a brilliant christmas eve. This year has been insane, and we all deserve some joy and happiness after the weirdness that's gone down over the last twelve months.

Make sure to leave a few comments on the last couple updates I've done for this oneshot book, it really does make me happy and make my day brighter when i see comments and you all are really lovely out there in wattpad land, it makes me happy to talk to all of you who read my stuff and who give me pointers on how to be better. And hey, it's kinda a little christmas gift to your girl, so think of it that way :) Also, apart from this oneshot book, I've done an update for Rule The World (aka the nanny story or formerly the billionaire's wife) and another for Frarytales, so make sure to check those out and see what your girl managed to get out today.

Love you all, 

Have a fabulous christmas eve and a magical christmas day if I don't pop in to say hi and deliver some much needed Frary fluff,



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