247 - Decoration

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"Mary, what do you think of-" the King of France halts in both his steps and his words as he pushes open the door to he and his wife's chambers, looking up from the red-leather backed treaty that the privy council came to him with earlier in the day, and to the cavernous room in front of him. He expects to see his heavily pregnant wife laying on the chaise or at her desk, but what he doesn't expect to see is so much fabric and so many servants skittering around like chickens trying to escape the pot, all talking and murmuring amongst each other, while louder voices directed them this direction and the other.

The scene seems to stop for a moment, eyes falling onto him, bowing or curtseying, but they get right on with their work. Only three figures do not follow the ancient command, and one of those figures is indeed laying on a settee with a book in her hands, while the other two bicker and squawk at each other, making colourful hand motions. The vision of his wife watching the two figures is enough to send him chuckling to himself.

"What is this?" the King of France asks with a grin, coming over towards his heavily pregnant wife. He kisses her brow as she smiles at him, rests a hand on the swell of her abdomen underneath the gentle cream tulle of her floral gown. 

"Francis!" his mother turns to him, sending another glare Kenna's way before she turns to her firstborn son. "Will you tell this-" she looks Kenna up and down "lady," she decides. "to let me control your chambers' renovations for the new baby?" she asks him, cupping his face, pushing his curls away.

"And will you tell your mother-" Kenna rolls her eyes. "that you cannot put a rickety old painting that has fallen from its hinges three damn times near a crib!"

"It's a portrait of Raymond Nonnatus, the patron saint of childbirth, midwives, children and pregnant women!" Catherine shoots back. "It'll bring the child safety!"

"It'll bring the child a broken nose!" Kenna exclaims.

Mary chuckles at Kenna and Catherine as they begin another argument about the validity of the picture of the saint. Francis smiles at her, in that beautiful way that makes her heart race and makes all the problems she faces null and void. He sits near her, placing her feet upon his lap, beginning to massage the swollen extremities silently. She sighs in relief, melting into his hands and into the chair she lay upon.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you, too." she smiles, "We both do."


What's better than pregnant Frary?

Hey, everybody. Just popping in to say hi and everything. Sorry it's so short, but your girl is kinda busy with renovations and I've had literally no inspiration over the last while. Also, I said this in a previous AU, but has anybody else noticed all the Frary/most of the Reign authors just disappear at around the same time? It's kinda weird, we usually have problems at the same time, too, so I just wanted to break the spell a little and give you all a little update.

Ironically, I've gotta tell you all that there's gonna be no updates next week, and sparce updates for a bit after that. My renovations obviously mean that my setup is gonna be moved and put to one side for a bit. I'll try to get as much as I can over the rest of this week, but I have a lack of inspiration because of the amount of time I have to spend thinking of stuff other than my novels/these oneshot books. And, because Reign's been taken off the UK netflix, I can't access it at all, apart from the little snippets on youtube or instagram. So, yeah, kinda sucks, but I do try my best to get as much as I can out with the limited resources I have.

So, if you guys have requested something in the past, give a girl a little reminder when I still know what is what and where is where (so before around monday). I promise I'll try and get as much up as I can, but it's kinda difficult with everything going on around me right now. Don't worry, nothing bad, just the renovations and working out the expenses and everything, and the lack of resources for my novels. I'm still working on Nervorum and will start fixing up my other modern Frary AU when I'm back up and running, I know I've vacated that and to anybody who reads those two novels (and to anybody else who hasn't read either of them, please go do!) and to anybody who's waiting on Loup de Guerre or the third part of Serpent eyes and the black onyx, I promise those are still comfortably on the waiting list.




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