285 - Besechment

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Prompt - could you possible do another part of the au where Lola is Francis's wife and Mary is the mistress? Or maybe where Francis goes to Lola and actually asks her for an annulment?


"My Lady," Lady Charlotte de la Croix states, bowing to the Scottish Queen of France. "your Majesty, you have visitor." she states, folding a blanket meant for the Queen's bed into fourths. She looks at the Queen who is tended by her other ladies, watches the frown on her plump lips as she dons a pale green satin robe atop her white chemise.

"Tell whomever it is to go away," Queen Lola of France states, daughter of William Fleming, a Duke near and dear to King James of Scots. "I'm ready for bed." she finishes, standing up from her overstuffed dark oak chair when her hair became unwound and her jewels were removed from her fingers.

"My Lady, it's the King." Lady Charlotte says. Lola's eyes grow, and she pushes past her ladies, who scuttle, and walks through the meeting room between her bedchambers, facing the tall, blonde King who stands in the doorway. The eldest son of Queen Catherine and King Henry -God rest him- wears his finest clothes, all maroon satin and gold lace, black leather and jewels. After all, it isn't often that twin boys are claimed by both King and God, given titles and riches and future wives from foreign lands, and are welcomed into the Church of the Rome.

"My Darling, your Majesty," Queen Lola leads deep curtseys to the tall blonde King in his golden crown. She looks up from her bow, sauntering over to the handsome, blue eyed fox who now had four recognised sons, due be it illegitimate still. "could this be the night, my dearest?" she questions softly. Could it be? King Francis has never came to her chambers before, especially not at night. They've been married more than a year, the King keeps his enchantress still, but could be finally take his Queen to their marital bed, one they've never shared, not even upon their wedding night?

"If you expect my body, my lady, you are mistaken." he states. Lola's face falls. "I believe it more appropriate to be left alone," he addresses the room.

"No," the Queen says, although nobody listens to her word. "I want them to stay." But they go at the King's command.

"I am aware, it must have been painful for you, to watch my sons Christened." he begins, sauntering over to pour himself more wine, sitting down onto one of the chairs. "Nikolai and Alexei must cause you pain, as well as James and Francois." he states. "Myself and Mary. You have been gracious, and I am grateful for your composure."

Lola's eyes narrow, and she says nothing.

"I have been unfair to you, giving you a crown but no warmth, forcing you to watch the woman I love grow with two children while you have no comfort, least of all from my mother." he pauses.

"Your mother loathes me, and the feeling is mutual," Lola laments. "What are the point of these words, husband? You say you will not take me to bed, begin the process of creating an heir, yet you speak of warmth and comfort. The only warmth and comfort I require is the one you hold from me, and lavish upon your maîtresse-en-titre, the mother of four healthy sons sired by your lions, the ones you will not share with me. You give me a crown, but no velvet to line it with. I am a maid still, yet married a year."

"You must understand, Lola. You were never my choice for a wife, a Queen. You must know who was."

"Yes, yes, the pretty little Princess who's still in confinement." Lola rolls her eyes. "I loathe the fact-"

"I cannot blame, but I advise you to keep a sharp tounge from Mary. You may have it removed." he hisses. Lola looks away, closing her eyes. "I am not here to threaten, or cause discourse, but to deliver a message."

"What?" she hisses.

"It is done, my Lady."

"What is?"

"I have gathered enough support with the marriage alliances of my sons, as well as the King of Scots and my supporters all over Europe, to petition the Pope for annulment. The letter has been sent already, as well as enough coin to allow him suckle." 

"What?!" Lola cries out. Francis blinks. "You-you cannot do that. The Pope will never allow the sancitity of marriage to be burned, never! My father states-"

"Your father is a snake, who poisoned my government against me, forcing my hand to take yours. I never wanted to put you through the pain you endure, I wanted to simply take Mary's hand and give her a crown, and now I can."

"You cannot! The Pope will-"

"The Pope is a power hungry bastard, God forgive me, who fears the rise of Protestantism. If he can keep the King with a growing number of peaceful Catholic-Protestant divide. He wouldn't want both Scotland and France and three other monumental countries turning to sympathy for which he so loathes, do you understand?"

"You're bargaining the Pope to ruin me." Lola whispers.

"I do no such thing, you are complete and untainted, free to marry again. You are no ruined unmaiden, you are no black widow. You are free to take Duke or baker boy as your husband and master, and I will be free to take Mary as my wife and Queen, make our sons Princes, legitimate Princes who can take the throne when I am dead and gone. Do you understand. We expect word in weeks at most. I advise you to start packing your things, I will have a ship set sail to Scotland as soon as word has hit the streets. Think of it a last gift, my lady."

The King of France gets up from his chair and heads towards the doorway, looking back one final time.

"Remember English history, Lady Lola. The King always gets what he wants."

When the door closes, Lola lets out a scream. 

You Are My Light Part IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin