A dot on the Radar

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"Huh....AH! AYAME! I HAVE FOUND IT! I HAVE FOUND HER SIGNAL!" Yui blurted out, still half-asleep.

Everyone went home for today but as usual Ayame and Yui were still in the office to find any sign of their dear friend.

"YOU'RE KIDDING?!" Ayame yelled and dropping the gun that she was cleaning on the floor , making it clatter . She ran to Yui who was sitting behind her computer.

A small green radar appeared as a hologram on the desk as Yui kept typing codes and coordinations. Ayame carefully watched as a small green dot became bigger and more defined.

"I searched all the dimensions she went to these past few years but they were all empty. Then I decided to just randomly search different worlds and came across this one..."Yui explained and projected some weird photos on the wall in front of us.

On the photos you could see big walls made of what seemed like stone, very old looking towns, strange monsters and soldiers in weird uniforms.

"That's where she's been hiding?" Ayame asked with raised eyebrows, not believing that her friend would choose some old-ass world instead of our own. She crossed her arms and stepped closer towards the photo with the monsters on it.

"Ugly little things...dare I say even ulgier than Nightcrawlers..." Ayame grumbled with a look of disgust plastered on her face.

"Don't joke about that, Aya." Yui scolded and adjusted her glasses on her nose. "I'm just gratefull her tracker still works."

"Well...what do we do now?" Ayame asked, stretching out her arms before wiping the photos away from the wall.

Yui frowned and rested her pointing finger against her chin. She always did that when she was deep in thought which Ayame found cute.

"I suppose we tell Seth...but he's on a secret mission.."

"Really?! Sensei always tells you these things...why not me?!" Ayame whined and sat on the couch with a pouting face.

"Maybe because you can never keep your mouth shut." Yui retorted which made Ayame shift into an ever more depressed mood than before.

"They discovered another nest of Nightcrawlers so they went to kill them off that's it...Guess we'll have to wait untill he's back." Yui eventually stated and logged off the computer,ready to head home.

She however noticed that Ayame didn't move an inch on the couch.


"Or..." Ayame mumbled.

Yui's eyes widened at the realisation.


"Ayame, yes! We can go get her! Y'know! We'll be back in a jiffy! With our tracking equipment we'll find her in no time!" She yelled out , nearly jumping up and down inexcitement.

"Hush! Have you thought about the NightCrawler plague circulating everywhere between dimensions?! Are you crazy?!" Yui hissed.

She loved Ayame but sometimes she was a little irresponsible and dangerous.

"C'mon. I graduated third from my year and had the second highest score in combat. Sure we can manage. And with your brain I'm certain that we'll get her in no time. Seth won't even realise we were gone."

"Except if he checks our travel records..." Yui mumbled but couldn't resist Ayame's puppy-dog eyes.

"Well....what if we don't register our travel?" She chimed as she formed a deviant smile.

Yui breathed out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine...but we'll do it my way."

(Time skip)

Thankfully the building was as good as empty as we both descended down the stairs to the basement. I knew all the codes to pass through security safely. One of the perks of being the head administrator for 10 years. Ayame looked thrilled as we arrived at the door where our portal costumes, portal machines and weapons were held.

Normally we had to enter our name, empolyee number and personal code into the system in order to get to our uniforms ,but I knew a way around it.

After changing I replaced my glasses with another pair that was tied all the way around my head so that it wouldn't fall off during combat.

Ayame took a couple of her favorite guns and knifes and attached them to her belt. The knives she carefully placed to specials pockets, attached to her thighs.

Ofcourse I took my fair share of weaponary aswell along with a special tracking device for (Y/n).

We both proceeded to grab our bracelets that we use to navigate inside the portal. After activating that I pointed towards another door. Behind that door was a huge room filled with all the portal-machines. I could hear their soft humming and an occational click of a switch going off.

Looking to my left I was surprised to see Ayame suddenly so determined. She looked straight ahead to the one portal we often use.

'Portal 16.3 - Euphoria'

My hand grabbed hers as I gave a soft squeeze as comfort.

"Let's go get her."

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