Possible danger

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"Yeez, this is worse than I thought." Hanji exclaimed while picking up a scrap from the portal and studying it carefully.

Parts were all scattered throughout the giant forest and me, Hanji , Erwin along with some other soldiers were currently collecting everything.

Levi stayed behind because he thought the work was 'unnecessarly filthy' and that he 'couldn't be bothered'.

As expected from the clean-freak.

I also got a pair of swords and the full 3DM-gear because apparently this area could possibly contain some titans.
The shining blades were long and sharp and I couldn't wait to test them out sometime. Erwin however insisted that I only used the gear when in danger while explaining the core basics of it.

I breathed in the fresh forest-air and focused back on the job. As Hanji had stated before...the wreckage here was indeed a sight to behold.

"We will probably have to look around a little bit further into the forest so that every single piece will be collected." I said, wiping some lost dirt from a scrap of metal, wondering what part it was from the portal.

"How many pieces do you think are there?" One soldier asked ,clearly getting annoyed with the task at hand.

"My portal contained three main parts: the cabinet itself, a control panel and finally a special bracelet that I use to navigate with." I explained as Hanji nodded and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"So...what's missing?" She asked as the brown-haired woman lifted part of the cabinet up and threw it on the cart.

"I still have my bracelet that has to be connected to the panel. It'll maybe need some rewiring. The cabinet itself is completely destroyed but I can built another one from the remaining pieces."

With that everyone turned around to focus back on the job, while I did the same.


Roughly an hour later Erwin ordered 2 people to walk further into the forest and look for the last remaining parts. The Commander wiped some warm sweat of off his forehead but suddenly stopped in his movement, looking up towards the great trees around us.
Hanji followed his actions too and slowly grabbed the handle of her 3DMG.

"Erwin...w-" I started but shut my mouth as soon as a loud hurl resonated behind me. Flocks of birds flew away in panic as the ground trembled louder and louder with each passing second.

The all too familiar sense of danger filled the air. I could hear everyone holding in their breaths, anxiously anticipating Erwin's orders.

The Commander however stayed dead-silent ,only gesturing a female soldier near him to climb up and assess the situation.

Immediately after she shot her hooks into a nearby tree and yelled:


Someone next to me pointed some sort of weird gun into the air, firing a glowing red flare.

Some panicking and others completely concentrated, charged at these so-called titans. Not hesitating to kill those beasts for one second.
I just stood there, feeling my heart-rate accelerate tremendously. Fidgeting with the two triggers of the handle while trying to decide what to do next.

I haven't even gotten the chance to test out this gear yet. The only thing I know is that the nape is their weak spot.

"(Y/n)! Hide!" Someone yelled and rudely pushed me aside so hard that I smacked on the ground.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now