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Days of recovery passed by and soon enough I was discharged from the infirmary.

I still grieved the deaths of the Special Operations Squad deeply but slowly everything seemed to be normal again.

Eren was doing fine, already training again and picking fights with Jean everyday.

Me however was still walking with crutches because of my sprained ankle.

Atleast I could walk around now.

My days were mostly filled with meetings about my world, developement of new technology with Hanji ,fixing my portal and getting ignored by the Captain.

That last one annoyed me greatly. He clearly has been avoiding me since my discharge. The only interaction I ever get from him, are the death-glares he sents  directly to me during our meals in the mess-hall.

I did want to apologize and thank him for rescuing me but he didn't give me a single chance to do so!

After 5 days I got used to it so now I ignore him aswell.

Two can play that game, Captain.

I stretched out my muscles while sitting on the white bed in my room while the others were training with the Captain outside.

Levi doesn't appreciate it when I just watch the training aswell...last time he sent Eren to tell me to do some more 'usefull' stuff.

This man...

A few soft knocks pulled me away from my frustration and I saw Commander Erwin walking in. His aura was intimidating so out of respect I stood up when he entered.

"Sir." I casually greeted as he smiled warmly, raising his hand, beckoning me to sit down again and rest.

"At ease, soldier. How're you feeling?"

"Still healing but much better, thank you." I answered but kept standing up, using the crutches. I was planning to go to my portal anyways.

"I think that some more excersise will do me good now that I'm finally released from that suffocating infirmary." I continued.

"Don't overdo it, (Y/n). You've been here long enough for me to know you have a tendency of ...crossing your own limits..." He spoke sternly as to give me a small scold for my actions during the last mission.

"I don't regret making the descision to chase that female Titan , sir. If that's what you're implying. I would gladly sacrifice myself for the greater good if that would be the best option in battle."

"I don't want anyone to sacrifice themselves when they don't need to. What you did was reckless. Dumb luck is what saved you this time, not Ackerman. Next time I want you to think before you act." His kind aura quickly faded away and was replaced by a strong and strict leader.

I frowned but eventually smirked, leaning a bit forward while glaring at the Commander.

"Levi put you up to this. Was he too busy pitying me while I lay there in bed instead of punishing and scolding me for being such an idiot? For being such a brat?"

Erwins' eyes widened before sighing deeply and crossing his arms.

"Perceptive as always. Ackerman has had it difficult in many ways these passed weeks and I figured to help him out a little bit."

"By raging at me?" I asked ,raising one eyebrow.

"By making sure he doesn't lose anyone else that is important to him."

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now