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I'm so exhausted, today's game was really tiring as hell.

We couldn't even defeat them as we expected,and Lucas, A.K.A coach was blaming me, like it was my fault.

Yes I missed a penalty, but everyone misses penalties, right?

Anyway, he told us we were expecting a new player from our academy in Los Angeles.

I hope she is good and wise too, because they are always childish in their behavior. They can be so annoying at times.

I was on my way to the kitchen, when my bestie, Tiffany, walked in.

She's the only person who understands me and we have been best friends since we were kids. She is also one of the best midfielders in the world.

"What's up girl?" Tiff asked.

"I'm good" I said.

"Aren't you bothered of what President has to say to you tomorrow" she asked while sitting down.

Oh my world, I had forgotten I would be having a meeting with the president tomorrow.

Tiffany knew I had forgotten with the expression on my face and just shook her head.

"What?" I said.

"Really Lex, it's not even 24 hours yet and you had forgotten the conversation you had with coach and president. Wow, you are unbelievable".

"Why would I bother my head with that. Anyway it's their business, because I don't get why they want to see me. I mean I didn't mess up".

"What!! You didn't what? Really Lex, you didn't mess up? Yes you didn't, you fucked up really bad. You missed a very vital penalty when we really needed it" she said.

"Girl, I'm not the first person to miss a penalty. I don't know why you are going about it like it was my fault. I didn't know the keeper would go that way".

"Look, I don't know what's wrong with you lately but you need to fix and put all your shit together, ok?"


She sighed knowing the conversation was over.

I couldn't get why coach and president were overreacting, I mean everyone makes mistakes, right?

I am so stressed out that to think is so difficult.

I left Tiffany in the sitting room for the night. I slept so well like a baby not thinking of what would happen the next day.

The next morning

I woke up to Tiffany's shouting.

"Leeeeeeeee!!! Wake up, you are supposed to meet President today. C'mon"Tiffany said or would I rather say 'shouted'.

I screamed for her to stop, but she continued.

"I feel like putting a gag in your mouth, ahh!! I said.

She shrugged and pointed to the bathroom. I wanted to waste a little more time in there, but she kept monitoring me like she knew want I planned in my head.

Anyway, I finally got out, picked my outfit and headed downstairs.

Tiffany had already made breakfast for us.

"You need to be calm when you get there Lex. I know you don't see anything wrong but please don't do anything stupid" she advised me.

That's why I love her,she knows me more than myself.

"I will try. But if they push me,I don't have any choice but to speak my mind" I promised her and myself.

"Ok, but be careful" she concluded.

After breakfast, I got into my car, Porsche Cayenne,  and headed straight down to the team's headquarters.

I got there and was told to hold on, because "Almighty President"  was in a meeting. I don't even know how he got to that position in the first place.

I had to wait for almost 30mins before the secretary told me I could go in.

I walked down to the office and knocked.

"Come in" President said.

I breathed in and walked in.

"Sit" he said without looking at my face. What an insult!

After 10mins of sitting down,he finally looked up at me and said

"We need to talk".

I heaved a big sigh and waited for him to start.

Embracing This New Feeling (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now