Chpt: 4 ‐ I Used To See

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"Shower? With You? No thanks, but maybe some other time."

Nah, I'm just messing with ya.

Y/N's POV:

What I tried to avoid was a direct answer, otherwise I'd seem desperate.  Even though I – no doubt – was. So when Judy hit the question back into my side of the court, I had to answer smoothly. Nothing too bold, nor too shy.

Y/N: "Absolutely."

Nevermind, I was very direct. It didn't matter anymore, my answer was clear. Brazen, but clear.

Y/N: "Can you just give me a sec? I gotta finish this page."

Judy: "Cool."

Judy walked into the bathroom after her reply, sliding the door shut behind her. Couldn't deny watching her walk away wasn't a nice sight. As soon as I heard the door's closure, I arched my head back and sighed deeply, wondering why I replied with 'I gotta finish this page'. Sure, I'm a bit of a nerd, but showering with Judy was far better.

Plus, I'd already closed the book, so she obviously saw I was stalling. Then it hit me: what on earth am I waiting for? A short moment later, I heard the shower turn on, and as I walked toward the bathroom, Judy slid the door open and looked at me directly in the eyes.

Not even a millisecond later I was lost in her eyes. However, it was interrupted when she squinted at my frozen state. Shaking my head lightly, I looked down to see her wearing... nothing. Yeah, I was pretty speechless.

Judy: "Coming or not?"

Y/N: "I'm comin- I mean read-"

I could barely get my words out. Seemed she was used to it, because while I stuttered like a Morse code message, she grabbed my hand and lead me into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. I wondered why — there was no one else in the apartment.

Judy: "Are you going into the shower with clothes on?"

I had an answer. It was obvious. But, I was seemingly starstruck. Nervous, even. What was there to say, but:

Y/N: "Of course not."

Judy: "Then get those clothes off."

Y/N: "Could use some help."

I didn't mean to say that, but at the same time I did. There were a lot of nerves when Judy was naked in front of me. But it was everything I wanted.  She was everything I wanted.

My suggestion worked. Judy moved closer to me, looking down at my protruded chest with a very focused gaze. My eyes were more above, but I didn't mind it. Then, she looked up at me; soft eye contact as she raised her hands and began to unbutton my white business shirt to slowly reveal what was underneath. Spoiler alert, it wasn't any other clothes.

She gently pulled down the back of my collar, moving the opened shirt down my body and to my waistline. Instead of pulling it off, she pulled it toward her, making me come along too. Our chests pressed against one another's, and eventually so did our lips — for a few seconds.

Judy lifted the kiss and let go of my shirt, allowing it to fall to the floor.

Judy: "You can take off those panties, I don't trust myself with them."

She added, proceeding to step past the shower curtain and remove herself from my eye-sight for the time being.

There was no need to tell what I did next with my panties; it was obvious. Once they were off, I stepped past the curtain and felt the effects of the water showering down upon Judy and I.

Judy: "Whoever decided to spell Wednesday the way it is must've been a major gonk."

She was having shower thoughts. Adorable. The thought made me wonder, nonetheless.

Y/N: "Why do you say that?"

Judy: "Just a random thought."

Y/N: "Any other cool thoughts?"

Judy: "Just one. It's about whether making out in a shower is considered shower sex."

Y/N: "I don't think it is."

Judy: "Here's to not having shower sex."

Judy lifted her hands up, placing them on the opposite sides of my face, before moving in to kiss me. Taken back by its beauty, I leaned back onto the wall. She persisted, and I acquiesced. I raised my arms and rested them on her shoulders, entwining my hands together behind her head.

She was quick to move her hands down to behind my thighs, eventually lifting each of my legs up. Her body was in between my thighs, holding me up whilst kissing me passionately.

Due to the streaming water, the kisses were ephemeral, but that made them even more better.

At what point did I believe this to not be a dream?

A Judy Alvarez Story (Judy x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now