Chpt: 10 - Nothing To Doubt

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Judy: "Y/N?" She called, kindly, even though I was sitting next to her reading an article on braindances leading to diseases and other unearthly atrocities. Simple facts and inferred things, really.

Y/N: "Yes, my love?" I replied, turning to her with a smile.

Judy: "I've been thinking about us... about our future. There's still the question about us. I'd say we're pretty compatible, like, we vibe almost perfectly with one another most of the time. I just need some reassurance, if that's the word I'm looking for."

Before she could go onward, I stopped her and began talking myself. There was no intention to be rude or impudent, but I knew where she was leading, and I had to finish her sentence, because I knew she'd slowly stumble on her words. I get her. Judy is loving, caring, passionate and not all about gain. But, she's not the best expressing these emotions verbally. I understood completely.

Y/N: "I know what you're looking for, Judy. And it's not here in this city... Night City," I spoke, moving my hand onto hers carefully. "I've been thinking the same thing too. About the future, and where it should be. Wherever it may go, I promise to be there with you. My full support. Forever and always."

Judy: "How do I know you're just saying that?"

Y/N: "Because there no longer is an I for me. From now on, it's best to call it 'we'. For things regarding our relationship. Individual things will of course need that first person input, but you get what I mean."

Judy: "I do. Vaguely, but I do. But- fuck it! I wanna move away, maybe Oregon or something. And I want you with me. Start anew, create a better life than what we have in Night City."

She believed in her words. That's what I deeply admired about her. Nothing but honesty, loyalty and self-respect. Judy knew her worth. Everyone loved a woman who knew her own worth. Especially myself. Whatever she chose, I'd respect and support; even if I didn't entirely agree with it. Judy was my girl, I'd do anything to see her smile.

Judy: "A life with you, Y/N, is already fucking spectacular, but it can be so much more when we don't need to answer the door with a weapon in our other hand. I've been thinking about it for a while and now I think I'm ready. Ready as I'll ever be... because I have you. Mi calabacita. My one best girl."

There was so much to say and so much to do. I loved Judy with all my heart. To know she wanted a life with me was tearfully amazing. And to know she wanted it to be even better made me tear up — Judy smiled as tears developed in my eyes because she knew I felt the same way deep down.

Alas, Judy hugged me close and lightly hummed in my ear, practically consoling me. Nevertheless, I didn't mind it at all. Ephemeral, Judy pulled herself from the hug and gazed lovingly into my eyes. The same way she did when we were beneath the stars.

Judy: "What do you say — wanna start anew with me?"

2nd Person POV

You had the answer. Judy wanted a new journey with you, and you both felt the same way about leaving Night City for good. Did you have any doubts? Anything you wanted to say to her before you answered truthfully? Had there been something to admit?

You have time to tell Judy what you think, and how you feel about her words. You saw them coming, yet... you were mildly surprised.


[1] Move away with Judy to wherever.

[2] Decline and stay, whilst Judy leaves.

A Judy Alvarez Story (Judy x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now