Chpt: 7 - All My Past And Futures

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A week later.


Upon the dawn's wake followed a bird's chirp outside the ajar window of my apartment's bedroom. The peaceful sound reverberated through the aperture and resonated all around, waking me up in the process.

My eyes opened and gazed at the opened window in anguish. Too much like was gleaming toward me, and I sort of hated it whilst also adoring it.

I wasn't in dire need of visual diffuse, but it certainly felt enlightening. My only wonder was why the window was open. All my windows were shut when I went to bed, thus my confusion rendered justified. Another thing bothering me was why I'd wake up peacefully without Judy being beside me.

Heaven? Thankfully, no.

???: "Sleep well?" Asked a voice from within the room. Their peculiar tone of voice led me to realise I wasn't waking up peacefully like I'd hesitantly speculated.

Y/N: "Delightful." I replied, scoffing as I rolled over and sat up to face who'd spoken. It wasn't anyone I knew.

???: "I'm going to need you to willingly come with me. Business tends to come first in the world, so if you come along without struggle I can progress with my needs. Don't you worry, it's nothing you've done." They kindly explained, coming off kind and creepy at the same time. How could I be so appeased by their request?

Tough to comprehend.

Y/N: "Can I ask what this is about?" I inquired, hoping they concurred. Which, they did.

???: "Your friend, Judy, has another friend who we need to get at. We've got your significant other, she came along with a little fight, but in the end she came with us." Their answer sufficed, though it aroused my suspicion. That suspicion being...

Y/N: "What friend?"

???: "Ooh, I'm afraid I can't say. You'll eventually meet them soon, I'm sure of it."

Time Skip: A Few Hours Later

I stepped into a room with various objects hanging from the walls; handcuffs, ropes, swords and even a person. They were alive, I could tell from the;

Person Hanging: "Hey, you! Can you get me down? I've been stuck up here for hours now! The noose I tied was too loose, and now I'm hanging from my waist! Please?!"

I quickly walked past them, not batting an eye. The darkness throughout the room led me to the conclusion that Judy's 'friend' was a type of person that was best left untold.

The area of the room remained unknown to me, as each step felt like one too many, yet no walls were close to me. I stood central in the room, too scared to move. Somehow, I could feel the walls closing in. Struggling to breathe. Speech felt obsolete; couldn't hear my words, nor my thoughts.

I had to persist and find Judy in this spacious labyrinth.

Venturing forward, I eventually found Judy. In the distance, under the crimson red strobe, Judy gazed back at me with a smile; one that I found extremely contagious. Even in the midst of chaos Judy's smile made me feel great.

Judy: "Y/N! What are you doing here?"

Y/N: "Same thing as you; being bait for your friend. There was... a guy... super calm and scary, led me to this room. This... horrible room."

My pleading-esque words came to a halt when I stepped into Judy's loving hug. At that point I felt as safe as ever; being in the arms of the one that made me thoroughly enjoy life.

Judy: "Friend? Doesn't matter. I feel bad for getting you into this. I should've-"

Before she could speak, I slightly pulled away from the hug; enough to remain in her arms, and placed my index finger against her lips, shushing her for the moment.

Y/N: "It doesn't matter, we're here now — together. That's all that matters right now."

Judy and I suddenly shook in fear as gunfire echoed throughout the vicinity. Flashes of white and yellow all throughout the windows surrounding the room Judy and I were imprisoned in. I hadn't known of the windows being there until the strobing gunfire emitted through transparency.

Y/N: "What's going on up there?!" I called out, my expressions being indescribable.

To such cynosure, I felt safe. Erstwhile, petrified. Shot after shot. Echo after echo. Death loomed over the premises like darkness to a dream world. Up above, surreptitious scintilla rippled death's propinquity. At the sound of a sword piercing the air to create audible anguish, I figured the one creating all the chaos was on our side.

Judy didn't answer my open inquiry. She remained quiet; her expression shifted into shock. Evidently, Judy let go of me and sat back down — she looked more shocked than scared. I hoped that to be a good thing.

Moments later the chaotic noises stopped and it was quiet. Too quiet. I looked deep into the darkness to find it was gazing back at me. The chills down my spine helped me perceive the denouement. It wasn't the darkness peering toward me; but a hooded figure that slowly emerged into the crimson light — they appeared a deity to me. So unimaginable, yet meticulous.

I raised my chin to speak, but I couldn't find words to create; so helplessly speechless.

Then, they holstered the sword and raised their hands up to the brim of their hood. The room, filled with darkness, was incomparable to the tenebrosity surrounding the figure before me.

One swift removal of their hood followed and Judy muttered;

Judy: "V..."


This was embarrassingly rushed, my sincere apologies if there's any errors; whether minor or major.

What gender should V be?
Male / Female / Other
^^ CLOSED ^^

A Judy Alvarez Story (Judy x Fem!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz