Chpt: 6 - Were There With Me

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¡Hola! Again, quick note - feel free to skip this - but I kinda have a very noob(?)/uncultured(?) question.

So, someone messaged me about 'lemon', and I gotta ask; what does it mean to have 'lemon' in my story?

Enter Chapter: 6



Days Later

Sitting atop Judy's bed wearing a white turtleneck, long black pants and regrettable suspenders, I awaited Judy's return to the apartment. She'd told me about a certain thing she needed to pick up from Lizzie's, however, I wasn't sure what she was saying - I was a bit busy looking at her mouth move, than focusing on what words came out of it.

Smile and nod was what I did.

A few minutes into my indolent waiting, I began falling asleep; slowly falling down backwards onto a pillow behind me.

Conveniently, as soon as my head hit the pillow, the front door slid open. Easily predicted - upon hearing the door, I sat back up; like an undertaker hearing his victim prowl around.

Y/N: "Judy?"

There wasn't an answer. Being the courageous lion I was, I stood up and walked to the bedroom door, grabbing the broom beside it. Up raised my hand, pressing the door's side screen and opening it at a second's notice. All the forbearance mustered up led to a baffling denouement to my uncertainty.

Y/N: "And you are?"

I nonchalantly held the broom behind the wall whilst I stood idly in the doorway.

???: "Me?"

Y/N: "No, the other person in this apartment."

???: "Call me Evie, for now. I'd ask who you are, but she's already told the world about who you are. Can't say I don't appreciate what you've done for my little Judy. Never seen her this in love since... tough to say."

I could hardly comprehend what the woman before me was saying, I was too busy being head over heels after she'd said Judy told the world. Here I was thinking it was me being forever thankful. Such an enlightening revelation.

Evie: "Moving on from your little love story, I have a small inquiry. That is; what are your intentions with her? Do you just wanna fuck her and move on, or do you want to truly be with that girl? Answer now and answer fast, she's coming up the stairs right now."

Y/N: "I want to know everything about her, and then know more. She's a woman who deserves the world, and I'd do everything in my power to gift it to her."

Evie just looked directly at me while I practically gave TEDTalk on how great Judy was.

Y/N: "But that's the thing, I could give her the world, and she'd still only want me. Judy isn't much like others, she's... beautiful."

Judy: "Who's beautiful?"

The question threw me off guard as I looked to her in shock. I didn't expect such an abrupt entrance from the woman I was talking about. My eyes darted to the front door as Judy appeared holding a plastic bag filled with what I'd say was pieces of technology.

Y/N: "Oh, I was just talking to-"

I looked back to where Evie was, to see no one there. I swear she was just there asking me questions that made me feel a tad insecure. That rendered me speechless.

Y/N: "Myself..."

Judy: "Well now you can talk to me."

Y/N: "That's a relief."

There was a clutter of thoughts after the moment prior. Who was Evie? And why hadn't Judy talked about her? It was probably for the best. If she didn't feel comfortable talking about who Evie was, then I wasn't going to ask.

I walked toward the couch with my head in my hand, pondering on what'd happened. I lowered myself down to the cushion, eventually making soft contact with the leather.

Thankfully, Judy noticed my befuddled state. She walked over to where I was and sat down on the couch, placing her hands on my shoulders. Her soft hands seemed more comfortable than the couch we were on.

Judy: "Are you okay? You seem down."

Y/N: "Just a headache. It shouldn't last too long, so I'll be fine."

Judy: "So there's not a need for Doctor Judy?"

Y/N: "Come to think of it, I'm getting a pain in my shoulder."

Judy understandably giggled and rolled her eyes, scoffing in a positive tone as she stood up and walked toward her room. I remained seated, holding my head in deep thought.

A few minutes later, Judy emerged from her room wearing a doctor's coat. I hadn't noticed until she called out.

Judy: "Y/N, my name is Doctor Judy Alvarez and I'll be your doctor today."



If there's any errors, just let me know!

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