(18.1) Memories

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"Too!? What do you mean too?...Don't tell me you aren't from this world either?"

He nodded, "You reincarnated here on our wedding day right?"

I also nodded, "Yes, I did, I died from a car crash- wait get off me!"

I pushed him off quickly, sitting up right then cross legged. "When were you reincarnated?"

He tapped his chin, "hmmm, when Xaviar was six, I actually didn't figure out I was reincarnated until I got into a small accident, then, I got my memories and found out I was in a novel...What was your name in your past life?"

I laughed, "ironically the same as now, my name is Charlotte, I died when I was 16"

"That's actually hilarious...hello Charlotte, my real name is Noah"

It was nice talking and confessing about our past lives, we talked about it for hours, I learned he was 17 when he died ( around my age ) and was in s stable family, he also said he was a player ( obviously) and only had 1 best friend throughout his whole school life.

He said he died by murder, that him and his family were robbed and shot to death, I almost cried, I wish no one would have to go through that.

"It makes more sense that you were reincarnated...."

"Hm? Why? Because of how my kiss made you-"
"Okay okay okay!" I yelled putting my hand over his mouth which caused him to lick it.

I let out a yelped and pulled my hand away. "Be serious!...I'm saying that you weren't as scary and the book made you to be and also because...you didn't kill me.."

Yes I should've noticed it then, Erza- or Noah's reason for not killing me was strange, I mean, how could you change your thought of someone so quick?

"Yes, I couldn't kill you, I needed you alive because I thought that if Xaviar had a stable mother figure in his life then he wouldn't turn bad."

I raised my eyebrows, "You think Charlotte was a stable mother figure...?"

He laughed then shook his head, "Heck no, I was going to use my seduction skills to make you turn good." He said with a wink.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at me, "Gosh you are becoming so flirty now."

It makes me slightly jealous, like, if I wasn't reincarnated he would've been doing this to any other girl in Charlottes body?

"Of course I am, because I feel more comfortable around you knowing that we were both reincarnated, I feel like I have a deeper connection with you..."

I blushed, "So, when you said you loved me...its true you love me or the real Charlotte?"

He touched my face softly, "You are the real Charlotte to me, and of course its true, I've never said I love you before to anyone before not even in my past life, but...it just comes natural when I'm around you"

Is my heart supposed to be beating this fast? Is this what it's like to be in a relationship?

I let out a nervous cough, "um, so, when did you first get feelings for me?

Noah ( Erza ) looked up and said, "Well, It was after we got our portraits drawn and before Christmas....."

December 20th

Noahs P.O.V

"Merry Christmas!" I heard a loud squeal and looked to see it was Charlotte

"Merry Christmas..?" I asked in a daze, I'm pretty sure in this world the nobles don't celebrate Christmas, instead they throw a huge ball and its usually a ball to see who can buy the most expensive present.

They spend Christmas with other nobles not their family.

It made me have a small sense of home, although it was a long time ago I still remember it like it was yesterday, my moms cooking on Christmas Day and me and my siblings rushing down to open the presents.

"Yes! We are celebrating Christmas! Surprise!"

I don't know why Charlotte is into these commoner activities, if I recall she hated commoners, but as long as she stays the loving mother she is maybe Xaviar wont go on a killing rampage later in life.

"I didn't get any presents..."

She shook her head, "It's fine, just get me something for my Birthday..come on! Xaviar and Zera are already downstairs!"

She dragged me out of bed and towards the dinning room, on the way there the smell of home cooking resonated through the hallways.

It smells....like my moms cooking?

"Tada!" She said pointing to the breakfast on the table, Xaviar and Zera were already there munching on the food. On the table along with food there were two boxes on the table.


"Is it so hard to believe" She said rolling her eyes, "lets eat"

The sound of utensils clattering were the sounds through the room, along with soft violen music playing in the background.

"Now here's my present for Xaviar" She said placing the blue gift from the table in front of him.

He smiled, "Thank you mother"

Wow! I will never get used to him calling Charlotte that.

-Stopping here and splitting this chapter into two parts because I didn't want to make it too long >.<

New Arc! After the next chapter there will be a huge time skip and the real novel will start! I'm so excited!
Remember to vote and Comment! Next part will be tomorrow!

If y'all are tired of waiting I have a new book published called Not The Heroine! It's another reincarnation novel and I really like what I have planned for it, go check it out!

If y'all are tired of waiting I have a new book published called Not The Heroine! It's another reincarnation novel and I really like what I have planned for it, go check it out!

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