(7) I am Charlotte Durreal!

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"X-Xaviar what a coincidence-"

He ignored me and walked right into the room where the maids were gossiping.

"What are you imbeciles doing? I didn't know it's was right to gossip during work? Especially about  my personal affairs."

"M-Master Xaviar! We are so sorry-"

"Don't do it again or you'll be severely punished" he commanded before walking out the room.

"Come on, it's time to go to sword practice."

"W-What? But I don't go to practice today-"

"Not for you stupid, for me, as my fathers wife and my slave you have to watch over me, like a guardian of some sort."

"Ok master, guide your slave to the sword field"

To my surprise he didn't glare or yelled at me, he just rolled his eyes and turned around, guiding me towards our destination.
Watching Xaviar during sword practice was interesting. I knew he was skilled due to him being the strongest villain, but being this skilled for only being 11 is amazing.

Now we are eating lunch outside, but it's like we are eating separately not together, it's very awkward and silent, well to me. Erza, Xaviar, and the maids seem used to it.

"Sooooo" I said starting up a conversation, "what are you guys doing to your free time?"



Short curt answers, like I expected.

"I'm thinking of going shopping, would you guys like to come?"

"No, I don't want to shop with you for girl stuff"

Erza nodded along with him, isnt he the parent!? He should be more leading.

"I'm not shopping just for me, I'm going to get stuff for you guys, but I need you guys with me to buy it."

"What are you getting?" Erza said interested at my statement.

"You have to come with me to find out."

That didn't seem to convince them as they went back to ignoring me.

"Pleeeeaasee pretty pleeasseee"

Xaviar rolled his eyes and said "I guess I'll go, I am interested in this thing my slave is planning to buy."

I looked over at Erza, and he said "I have a meeting, I really can't"

"Hmph okay maybe next time" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Well I guess it's a mother son ( slave and master ) shopping trip!
"How about this?" I asked Xaviar, showing him a nice yellow shirt.

"I don't like bright colors" Xaviar said looking away.

I rolled my eyes, picky prick.

"Okay then this?"  I said showing him a dark red shirt with a black vest.

He shrugged his shoulders, then walked over to the jewelry section.

Tuh, he isn't even trying, I don't know why he even came if he won't give me input.

"Look it's Xaviar!" I heard a voice say.

"Oh that gloomy boy you told me about son? I saw him when he came with his father to visit our family."

"Yeah, he didn't even try to play with me mother! Not that I wanted to...."

"I'm so glad he doesn't go to the academy he would just bring the school reputation down"

"What are you saying?" I said bringing myself into the conversation.

The mother glared at me, "who are you?"

"Who am I? Who are you? You know it's not nice to talk about your friends or children like that." I said glaring at the mother and son.

"Ha! He isn't my friend, and it's none of your business old hag."

O-Old hag?! I look younger than your mother twat!

"Just shut your trap you child, you need to respect your elders or Santa's gonna put coal in your stocking."

The boy had tears rolling down the cheeks. Oh boo hoo! He was just insulting me and I make a tiny threat and he's already crying! So weak."

"Did you make my son cry!?" The mother said rubbing the boys  head.

"Your son was saying mean things about his friend, and you added onto it, you both should be punished."

"And who are you? What is your relation to him? because you do know my husband is close friends with the king."

"Oh wow I'm so scared." I said sarcastically, "I'll have you know I am Charlotte Durreal, and that's my son he was talking about." I said crossing my arms.

"I don't care who you are close with, I'm sure you wouldn't like other kids talking about your son

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"I don't care who you are close with, I'm sure you wouldn't like other kids talking about your son."

"What's wrong?" Xaviar came and looked at the mother.

"crowned mage and duchess Charlotte!" She exclaimed bowing down, "I am sorry for my son, he doesn't know any better, he is still young and has much to learn!"

"So, your son did talk about me?"

"Y-Yes crown mage, but it's just friends quarreling."

Xaviar looked at her son and back at her. "He's not my friend, I don't think I even know him. Ah, so you admit he was talking about me, you do know what that punishment would equal?"

She looked back and forth between me and Xaviar and had a scared look on her face.She suddenly got down on her knees and pleaded. "Please spare us!I had no idea my son was talking about you-"

Such a liar, you totally did know.

"I'll tell my father about this, you should've apologized before, it's too late now....come on Charlotte let's go."

I was a little shocked that he called me by my first name, but ultimately followed him.

On the way back Xaviar asked, "why are you grinning like that? Stop it it's creepy."

"Because, "I said smiling harder, " you called me by my name and not idiot or slave"

He just scoffed, and looked out the window.

He couldn't hide the small smile he had on his face.

And I finally figured I'm getting a bit closer towards him trusting me.



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