35) Drugs

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PLEASE READ THE LAST CHAPTER IF YOU ARE A OG READER :) I strolled around the school, looking left and right for anyone slightly suspicious. I even tried investigating all her students, but they all have a clean record, all of their personalities would coordinate with the book.

None of the main characters or extras act OOC, so who would manipulate Zera?


I look to my left to see Eliza, the protagonist standing right in front of me.

I was shocked for a moment, before returning to my cold exterior, "hm?"

Eliza smiled, and said "Mr.Mage, I pray teacher becomes well enough to teach again, I really miss her and Xaviar"

"Hm..." Xaviar too? Do they have a relationship going on..?

"She wasn't feeling so well before the incident, she just used to drink coffee all of a sudden, and complained that her head hurt."

I raised my eyebrows, coffee? But Charlotte hates coffee, maybe that's how Zera drugged her.

I checked over the finances spent last month, Zera hasn't bought any coffee or took any cash out, so it had to have came from the person assisting him.

"Do you remember anything specific about the coffee."

Eliza shook her head, "No, I'm sorry, I wish I could be more of help. I hope she returns back soon."

I nodded before briskly walking away.

This all seems like it's going to a dead wall, I infer that the reason they targeted Charlotte is because they knew she was reincarnated, they want her dead so, we just have to bait them out ourselves.

They probably think I'll kill her if she acts like this, but if I become patient they'll act themselves, they have no one else close to us to manipulate.

In the meantime, I need to find that drug antidote...


I went over to a well-known doctor, Dr.Kaleb, he was also famous in the novel for curing the protagonist when she got poisoned.

"So? Is there any antidote for this drug?" I asked impatiently when Dr.Kaleb didn't respond.

"Hmmmm" He replied.



"Well are you going to answer!? I need to save my wife!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down this isn't lethal.." Dr.Kaleb responded

"I know it's a drug to manipulate memories."

He shook his head, "I doubt it, this drug certainly doesn't manipulate memories. "

I raised my eyebrows, was Xaviar wrong? "Okay then what does it do?"

"..I don't know yet"

"?!?" I froze, "How? How do you not know?"

"This is an undiscovered drug, I've never seen this before, I need to look more into it-"

"How long??"

Dr Kaleb slowly looked towards me, "Listen, I know your wife is very important to you, but you need to calm down and give me enough time to study this drug so I can find the best cure for her"

I bit my lip in frustration, but then nodded, "please hurry"

Dr.Kaleb looked at me and smiled with determination. "I'll try my best"

Next update will be sometime this week, I have to go to orientation for my college and I can't bring my laptop ( forgot to tell yall I recently got a laptop )

Also side note if anyone cares, I graduated high school last week :)

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