(2.2) Death at a wedding

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WHEN WE ARRIVED outside the dining area I was already scared.

I mean, I know the poison is in the wine but what happens if it's different from the story and it's in the food? Ahh I don't know what to do, maybe I should make some excuse-

Erza held his arm out without saying a word, god, if you want me to hold your am just ask.

I would've rolled my eyes if he didn't scare me so much.

I reluctantly loop my arm through his and walked with him, with Xaviar on his side, into the dining room.

It was magnificently large, with a long, golden, bright table covered with a red cloth in the middle. It had a total of about 16 chairs surrounding the table, with the great mage and his wife (Erza's parents) at the head.

My uncle sat beside them, I kinda didn't expect him to come since he didn't even walk me down the aisle but I just ignored the thought.

Erza leaded me towards the other side of the table, letting me sit down next to my uncle while Erza sat across from me, with Xaviar sitting across my uncle.

Alright, showtime.

"I would like to give a toast" Erzas father said, raising his wine glass.

Jesus they aren't wasting any time to kill me, I barley sat down on my chair, I didn't even get a bite of this delicious food!

His mother followed with a raise of her glass, and Erza followed her path along with my uncle.

I reluctantly held up my glass, should I accidentally spill it?

"To a long, lasting marriage." My Uncle said, drinking his drink.

They all followed suit while I just stared at my glass.

"Charlotte, what's wrong? Why won't you drink?" Erza's mother asked.

"I-I don't drink wine, may I have a non alcoholic glass?"

There was silence, they were shocked by my words, probably because they assumed I was refusing the toast.

It's great disrespect to disregard a toast from someone of higher rank than you. It could lead to your execution depending on their rank and your rank.

Jesus all this for a little toast, how extreme.

"You aren't going to refuse a toast from my mother are you?" Erza asked 'innocently', "please do it for me....my precious wife"

The one time he talks to me it's to lead me to my death? How despicable, well, good thing I have one up my sleeve.

"Ah well, it's actually because of my health." I said holding my heart.

"I didn't want to tell anyone but...there is something wrong with my heart, the doctor said I will live as long as I take my pills for the next year, and I sadly can't have alcohol while taking the pill." I said while faking tears.

It seemed to work since his mother looked at me with sympathy, and Erza just looked at me with a strange look.

Ha! Try and kill me now! I have your mother on my side!

"How awful...I shall then take the toast in your place."

Wait what?

Erza's mom attempted to take my wine glass while I stared in shock.

What? She's going to drink my poison! I can't let my nice mother in law die a slow death like me!

I looked at Erza, is he just going to let his mother drink the poison!?

"No, Great Mages, I shall take t-the drink instead. She is my beautiful niece I should take care of her."

Why did he stutter? Is he nervous in front of the great mages?

He took the glass, and not even one second later he spilled the glass.


"Oh my! I am so sorry it was an accident...you do know as you age you start to get weaker...my uncle said laughing proudly.

No that's not it...it's like a deliberately dropped the glass, any person sitting at my angle could see he did it on purpose.

Almost like he knew what was in the drink?

Don't tell me......

My uncle was the one that poisoned me and not Erza!?

"No worries duke, I'm sure it was an accident."

I gripped the table in distress.

I didn't know it was him who tried to kill me....what else do I not know? What else is the novel hiding about me?

How the heck can I survive if I only know the basic information about the person is reincarnated into!?

"Charlotte are you okay?" My uncle asked in worry.

No! You tried to kill me!

Wait, what happens if the poison is in the food too? And it just wasn't mentioned in the novel like when they didn't mention who killed me? Oh god oh god-

"I don't think she is well...let me take her to her room."




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