( 23 ) Lustful Demon!

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~Low Key Not Edited~

"Erza!" I screamed in anger, throwing the pepper spray can at his naked body.

"Ow ow ow oww that hurts! And didn't I tell you to call me Noah in private?" He said wrapping his arms around me and pressing his chin on my shoulder.

"Get off you wet herb!" I said pushing him off. "What are you doing here weren't you in war?"

He pouted, "I miss you Char, and wet herb? Where did you get that from? You need to take insult lessons from Xaviar"

I rolled my eyes, turning off the shower, throwing him a towel before walking back into my room.

"Again, don't you have work to do? Are you bored?" I sat on the sofa.

"Yes bored I am" He jumped on the sofa after wrapping his waist with a towel and hugged his arms around my neck.

Ever since I figured out Noah reincarnated too we just became closer and closer, so close that this sticky personality of his rubbed off on me.

Xaviar hasn't gotten used to it though, he barfs whenever he sees Noah.

"Anyways don't leave the door open next time, you don't know what dangers could lurk in my room..."

Noah scrunched his eyebrows, "I didn't leave your door open?"

I whipped my head towards him, "You are serious?"

He nodded, "Yeah I would never do something that threatens your safety.'

I frowned, if it wasn't him then who...?

"Maybe it was Xaviar? He thought you were in the shower and left?"

"hmm, I guess." I said uncertainly but then forgetting the matter.

"Tell me the real reason you came Noah" I asked smiling at him and pecking him on the lips.

"Well you know how me and some other soldiers and magicians went to the southern boarders to handle the monster pandemic?"

I nodded, over a year ago Erza headed out in order to control the monster pandemic. Recently, some monsters have mutated into humans, it's extremely contagious and the mutated monsters are also extremely strong.

"Well during the travels a general was bit and is in the process of turning into one of the mutated monsters, in order to turn them back we need some blood from the same bloodline in order to push out the mutated blood cells in the body."

I nodded, understanding everything, " so who is this general?"

Erza leaned closer, "It's me"

I slapped him on the back of the head, "Be truthful for once!"

Erza leaned his head down, "sorry....it's General Grand"

I didn't show any surprise, I excepted this I mean he is on of the few general sons inn school.

I should postpone the deadline of the bet....not for me but for him....

I'm so nice :)

"Hmm okay I'll let my student know"

Erza took his time to lean more forward, slowing inching his head upwards, leaning his face on my chest while he stares up at me.

"Y-you rascal!" I said slapping his back

He just smiled, "You know I have a lot of time before I have tp leave again. Maybe we can..." He trailed off, looking towards my lips before softly pressing against them.

I almost rolled my eyes, but continued to kiss back nonetheless.

Such a lustful demon.

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