Year 3 - 2

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Beta: Cloudy

Additional trigger warning for suicide.


"I'll be joining you two on the train ride down," quietly muttered the exhausted werewolf. Lunar's Orchard had been selling their pain-free and instant-transformation potions over the summer so Remus's monthly issue wasn't as terrible as before; but it still drained him, and the combination of the two new potions and wolfsbane made him very nauseous the following day.

Harry stroked Hedwig's cheek as he asked, "How come, uncle?"

"Azkaban guards," grunted Remus.

"They're going to be at Hogwarts?"

"Yes. A precaution in case you two are targeted by Rookwood," Remus explained. "Horrid creatures. Make sure you both sit with me on the train, neither of you can deal with them."

Harry opened the front door to let Hedwig begin her journey to Hogwarts. "It'll be fine, uncle."

"Fine is not good enough for you two," Remus said firmly. "There's little protection on the train. It's not like Diagon Alley where there are plenty of witches and wizards around."

"But they'll be guards from Azkaban," said Harry.

"And who will protect you from them? Come along. Padfoot, we're leaving."

"WAIT FOR MY GOODBYE HUGS!" shouted Sirius from upstairs. A moment later our godfather came rushing down the steps and pulled me and Harry into a tight hug. "Take care you two."

"We will," we promised.


We arrived at the train earlier than usual so Remus could take a much-needed nap. While he rested, Harry and I quietly read through our textbook. I needed an O score on N.E.W.T.s to be licensed to own a pet basilisk, I wanted to make extra sure I studied up. Neville arrived maybe thirty minutes later and he slipped into the cart with us.

"Hello," Neville quietly greeted us as he took a seat beside Harry—I was sitting next to Remus.

"Hey Neville," Harry said with an easy smile while I nodded politely to him.

There wasn't room for anyone else to join us, sadly, so it was only the four of us in the cart when the train started up. I decided to use Remus as my pillow—he murmured something about not on the full moon, Rosie—but didn't wake up.

It was easy to fall asleep listening to the merry chatter on the train and feeling it rumble beneath me. My fluffy monster book started to purr in my arms which made it impossible not to just melt in relaxation and close my eyes. Remus was a bona fide heater too which made him the ideal pillow. Even better than Harry!

Tragically, I did wake up when the train came to a screeching halt. The sound jolted me awake.

"It's always a shame when you wake up."

"What's that supposed to mean?

"Your dreams are hilarious."

"Whoa. Tom, can my dreams make you laugh?"


"I've never heard you laugh! Please do it for me?"

"Go back to sleep."

"But then I can't hear it."

"It's the only way."

"Awww. I'll get you to laugh when I'm awake one day! I bet your laugh makes unicorns come into existence because of how beautiful it is."

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