Year 3 - 4

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The very first Quidditch match of the season was looking absolutely dismal. It was originally supposed to be Slytherin v Gryffindor, but Draco asked me to break his arm so he could get Slytherin out of the match due to the foul weather.

For the sake of my Housemates I broke Draco's arm in the common room. There was much cheering to be done and the Slytherin Quidditch team hoisted Draco up like a hero and carried him valiantly to Madam Pomfrey's office.

The raging storm was impressive. Even in the dungeons, we could hear the howling winds and clattering thunder.

I did come better prepared that year than last. Sirius bought me a lovely umbrella with warming charms. It was big enough to easily fit three, and Daphne had also bought one of her own in the same size.

Draco and Pansy shared the umbrella with me, while Tracey and Theodore shared Daphne's. To my elated surprise Millie and Vincent wanted to practice their umbrella charms, so they opted out of sharing any umbrella. Gregory simply didn't care, and Blaise had his own umbrella that he was reluctant to share with any of us.

It was a testament to how dedicated the magical community was to Quidditch that everyone still showed up in such horrendous weather. No one could even hear the commentary over the wind.

The match wasn't a quick one, either. It dragged on for over an hour. I could barely make out what was happening under the curtain of rain. I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable the players must have been.

Poor Harry, I thought.

Even with his specially enchanted warming robes and water-repellent glasses he had to be miserable. I had to admit that Draco had the right idea about it being better to have a broken arm than play in that kind of weather.

Then the air went from chilly to bitterly cold. A sense of tranquility washed over me, a relief of unknown pain making me sigh contently.

"Dementors so close to the school?"

I quickly looked around and gasped when I saw at least a hundred dementors above the stadium and swarming to Harry and Cedric.

"HARRY!" I dropped my umbrella. "IRIS, LET'S GO!"

Iris surged out of my pocket and transformed into a version of herself that would be big enough to carry both of us. As an animal, she wouldn't feel the wrath of the dementor's depression aura, but she wouldn't be immune to the cold.

We'd have to be quick.

"Go," I hissed out and Iris shot up into the crowd of the dementors like a fired bullet. I raised my wand and whipped out a powered up, "Lumos!"

I didn't know the Patronus spell, but it would at least help me find Harry quicker amongst their hoard and the pouring rain.


Harry had fallen off his broom, tumbling down into the air. Iris and I surged forward to grab him. I used Accio to pull him to me, grabbing him in my arms and urging Iris to take us straight to Madam Pompfrey.

If he had fainted from the dementor attack, he'd need treatment right away.

Iris flew with speed and grace that would make even pegasuses burn with envy. Within a minute she had soared into Hogwarts, and within ten seconds she reached Madam Pomfrey's office.

"Good heavens!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed.

"My brother was attacked by at least a hundred dementors during the match," I hurriedly explained, sliding off Iris and pulling Harry with me. He was a heavy to hold, but not impossible.

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