Year 6 - 2

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Talk about the M stuff at the bottom of the chapter my adorably thirsty, thirsty readers.

Warning: trigger warning for those who feel uncomfortable with sexual allusions. Skip past the first scene my dearies!


His hands were comforting and smooth.

He smelled like something woodsy, warm, and spicy that I couldn't put a name on.

And he tasted like Earl Grey.

For that night, I couldn't get those tastes and smells out of me.

Tom's hands were firm as they daringly uncovered me. They were gentle caresses that left goosebumps in their trail. He moved with no rush or hesitation as he explored every inch of bare skin.

Of course, Tom wasn't the only one able to explore. In between breaths of air, I found faded childhood scars, and a few cute little freckles. I was able to coax out small smiles in between kisses, and feel him laugh above me when I focused on a particularly adorable freckle on his chest.

We moved together, savoring each other's warmth as we uncovered our bodies' secrets. Gentle, sweet, and tantalizingly tender. All I could taste was Earl Grey. All I could smell was that delicious spice. All I could feel was Tom.

All evening and night we devoted ourselves to each other. Once, twice, thrice—

When exhaustion made our limbs tremble, we moved from the bedroom to the bath to relax in a scented salted bath.

It was close to three in the morning before we climbed into bed to properly sleep.

Then Sil kindly woke up at six to return home.

"Ooooo that's a tender body," I mumbled quietly to myself as I stretched in bed. I kissed Tom's forehead, the sleepy wizard murmuring a small Good morning to me. I found him so darn cute I couldn't resist giving him another kiss on the nose before I left. He mumbled something unintelligible in response that just—


Have you ever looked at something or someone and just had a pure shot of Oh my god I love him/her/this?

That kind of burst of adrenaline that made your heart flutter, and a giddy rush of joy force a stupid grin on your face?

I got that. Hardcore. I was so dang happy and—


I guess I was stupidly in love.

It was honestly hard to leave. Like, if I had to go anywhere else but Hogwarts that day I'd skip it and stay with Tom.

I think I got it pretty bad, I thought to myself, pinching my cheeks to try and get rid of my dumb grin.


Berit's training with Sirius would start up after I left for school. Despite how much Sirius hated his upbringing, his mother drilled in so many noble laws / etiquette that Sirius could quite literally never forget. Remus would be assisting—he always kept up to date on current politics, especially when it pertained to his fluffy curse—which was wonderful. Plus it would give Remus more of an excuse to see the village and hopefully come to love his fluffy side a bit more.

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