Year 1 - 6

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November's cold weather moved our running group into the Room of Requirement. When there was frost on the ground every morning that meant it was time to stop sprinting around a lake.

That chilly month also meant Harry's first match as Gryffindor's Seeker since he won the position fair and square at tryouts. Which meant I better put a damper on Voldemort's day to make sure he wouldn't interfere with the match.

How, one might ask?

Why, by setting up several dozen traps outside his office and room with the help of two mischievous twins the night before, of course! Sadly, our friendship wasn't solid enough to get their help for free. I had to let them borrow my cloak of invisibility the following weekend.

By the time Voldemort was freed of the traps the match would be over.

I only wished I could see the look on his face as he realized how much of a bumbling moron he had possessed. Not so much that I would miss my brother's first match, but enough to make me picture it and laugh quietly to myself.

The Quidditch match went off without a hitch. Even without his personal broom Harry was beyond reproach. I would argue he was even better than canon because he had already been training with Sirius for several years by that point.

Unfortunately that meant that even with the Slytherin advantage of better brooms Harry still outclassed them. Fred and George being on top-tier brooms certainly didn't help the matter.

I had little hope in Slytherin winning the Quidditch Cup.


Christmas break was approaching. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban.

It made me tempted to set up a bounty for any student who could rip Quirrell's turban off. The only thing stopping me from doing so was if they succeeded they would have likely died by the pissed off Voldemort underneath.

Still oh so tempting...

But then it was time!

Time for an adventure.

On the night where most of the students had gone home, I had snuck out of the dungeons and made my way to the third corridor. Iris poked her head out from under my collar and hissed, "Norrisss up ahead."

With her guidance, I avoided the fluffy kitty cat and successfully made it to the third corridor without getting caught. I was quite pleased to find both twins already at the door.

George greeted me first with a jaunty wave. "Ready to go?"

"Adventure buddy," Fred joked. He nudged me with his elbow when I got close enough.

"Yes indeedy. You both better be ready for what's up ahead. Follow my instructions without hesitation, or you might very well get yourselves killed," I warned them.

They mockingly bowed. "Yes, your majesty."

I pushed open the door to find Fluffy already growling at us.

"Hey you cutie," I cooed while I pulled out a small wooden flute from my extendable black messenger bag. I blew out a little tune which caused an instant reaction. Fluffy's eyes dropped and the longer I played the more he swayed. Eventually he toppled to the ground, soft snores escaping him.

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