Year 5 - 1

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Professor Dumbledore visited our home the first day of summer.

I honestly hadn't been expecting that. I came down for some breakfast only to find that Professor Dumbledore was seated at the table and quietly discussing something with Sirius.

Professor Dumbledore looked up and smiled at me. "Ah. Good morning, Rosie."

"Good morning, Grandpa."

"I see you too have excellent taste in slippers," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. I laughed, looking down at my cat slippers. Every Christmas I had sent Dumbledore socks and something else. Usually a pair of outrageous robes, or some silly slippers that only Dumbledore could pull off.

I proudly held up my right foot to show off the slipper. "It used to meow when I walked but then someone ripped out the squeaker."

Sirius coughed and looked away.

"Here for Paddy's famous soufflé pancakes?" I asked Professor Dumbledore as I took a seat at the kitchen table. Kreacher appeared beside me, pouring a strong brew of orange-spice tea. I loved being able to see Kreacher around meal times because it meant I could pat his head. He always had the cutest smile when I pat his head or praised him. I didn't see Dobby as often as Kreacher, but it wasn't any offense on Dobby's part. Kreacher was protective of me and didn't trust Dobby. The rare times I did see Dobby the House Elf was always happy to babble and admire the work clothes I got him. He looked extra snazzy in his little tuxedo.

I wasn't sure if Harry offered Dobby freedom, or if Dobby even broached the subject with Harry since they bonded. Would Dobby find it offensive to ask for such? Would Harry even consider offering it? As I had decided much earlier on, the House Elf slavery thing was something that needed to be fixed but it wasn't something I could fix within my spare time. I was only one person and my plate was pretty well full. Something as delicate (for I strongly suspected there was a magical and biological component mixed in and Dobby was a literal mutant) as freeing the House Elves deserved my proper attention.

Just as soon as I dealt with a certain threat to my family and life and whatnot.

I kissed the top of Kreacher's head as thanks when he finished pouring my tea. The House Elf mumbled something I couldn't hear before leaving, his ears bobbing happily.

"I have heard some lovely stories about Sirius's pancakes, but I'm afraid this will be a mostly business discussion." Professor Dumbledore then asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," I said, looking over at Sirius who scooted his chair closer to me. "Aha. I sense someone's going to be pre-etty overprotective this summer."

"You sense correctly," Sirius said with an easy grin.

"Is Uncle Moony joining us?"

Sirius shook his head. "No. Only us four for now. Dobby's waking Harry up."

"I wish him luck," I said, knowing how hard it was for my brother to wake up in the morning. I took a long drink of my tea. When I missed my mouth the first time due to the tremble in my hands Kreacher enchanted the cup to rise to my lips. "Ahh. That's the stuff."

Harry stumbled down the stairs with wild bed head hair. "Hmm-hmm."

"Good morning to you too," I responded as he took a seat beside me. Harry peered curiously at Professor Dumbledore. "Yes, he's really here for breakfast, you're not dreaming."

"Mor—Mor—" Harry yawned. "Morning."

"Good morning, Harry," Professor Dumbledore politely returned. "Now that everyone is here, I'll begin."

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