9. M E T A N O I A

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Metanoia (n.) The journey of changing one's heart, self and mind.


Cassiopeia embraced the tiny little infant in her arms with teary eyes, sobs escaped her parted lips as she stared at the little body in her arms with utter adoration; This was her pup, the pup she birthed, her blood line. Pride glazed her eyes as she pressed a tender kiss on his forehead, Roxanne's eyes welled up and she sniffled, Orion pulled her into his chest and pressed a gentle kiss on her temple; Roxanne rubbed off her running nose on Orion's clothed chest making him grimace,

"Why do you do that all the time?" He questioned with a grossed out expression on his handsome face, 

Roxanne rolled her eyes,

"Do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?" She asked, Orion's eyes widened as he shoo his head like a little child. 

"Then, don't complain. You don't see me complaining about you burping as loud as a bomb explosion after dinner either." She rebuked. 

Cosmos, Atlas and Phoenix watched their parents chatter with pure amusement, but ""Have you picked out a name?" Phoenix questioned. 

Cassiopeia smiled lovingly at her son before saying,

"Triton Orico Knox-King." 

"Orico?" Cosmos asked,

"Yes, Orico. Orion and Draco combined." She answered with a soft smile. Roxanne frowned,

"Lord knows, I wouldn't have survived without Draco's help.....Help helped me escape, Mum..." She spoke softly, 

"I couldn't talk or speak, I did not speak for the rest of my pregnancy because I simply couldn't. But, It was Draco King who helped me everytime I was abused, He even begged me to leave during the initial days of the abuse, but I chose not to, Perhaps a part of me believed that Aries would change..." She whispered gloomily, 

"So yes, My son will be named Triton Orico Knox-King." She spoke, Roxanne and Orion smiled, maybe it was time to forgive Draco King; He had saved their precious pup after all.

"That is a very nice name you have picked there, My love..." And just like that, the smile was wiped off of Cassiopeia's lips and the hard cold look graced her face as she turned to look at the one and only source of her torment- Aries King, her mate. 


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