15. V I R A GO

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Virago (n.) A strong, brave or war-like woman


"I-I.." Cassiopeia panicked as her palm on the cover of the Holy Book shook. She was not prepared for this at all. 

"It is okay, My child." Lord Vermont softly spoke, Cassiopeia sent him a soft smile before taking a deep breath and spoke,

"I, Cassiopeia Jones Knox, hereby pledge to only speak and practice the truth and swear on the Mother Luna, Selene that I will abide by the truth. Punishment shall be served to me if I am found guilty." She pledged and inhaled cautiously,

"The first few months in Aries' Pack were pleasant but then one day, it all began- the abuse... at first, it was just verbal but then it turned into physical abuse and then one day, he forced me into sex. That day, I had asked him, why did he do this to me and he looked at me coldly before saying that My mother ruined his mother's life and it was all revenge for him.....I-" tears of anger clouded her eyes as she breathed in heavily, "He had tied me up one day and copulated with another she wolf in front me, he burned me several times under his mother's demands and she herself had forced me at times to gulp in small amounts of wolfs bane so that my body would not heal easily and I would remain bruised...he had dragged me to the dungeons and had twisted sharp silver knives against my skin and his mother had watched countless times as he had raped me....it was Omega Draco King who had helped me escape after two weeks of being trapped in those dark cells..." By now, she was crying hysterically. Lady Andromeda's eyes had hardened at the sight of Cassiopeia's scars which littered her arms and neck. 

Roxanne embraced her daughter as tears of pain fell down her cheeks, she cuddled her daughter by her side and took her out of the hall with the permission of the council.

"We would like to ask Lady Knox to play the video of Luna Cassiopeia's abuse before the council and then, we will proceed with the questioning of the guilty." Lord Vermont asserted. 

Soon, the video was played which displayed Leah standing over a brutally beaten up Cassiopeia with a whip in her hand as she whipped her back. Before them stood Aries with a satisfied smirk on his face. Whimpers and moans of pain could be heard in the video which made the Knox men's blood boil in anger, 

"Now, Aries King...I would like to know...What made you abuse your own mate?" Lady Andromeda asked. 

Aries looked up at her with an emotionless face and spoke, 

"My mother...she is a manipulative bitch who fed me lies.... I did not want to do this..." He urged which made Lord Vermont scoff,

"You did not want to do this? What sort of a pathetic excuse of an Alpha are you, Son? Did you investigate on whether your mother was speaking the truth of Luna Knox or not before torturing  your Luna? And even if Luna Knox had wronged your mother, You still had no right to hurt an innocent wolf for the sake of your mother's so called revenge!" He roared. "You have not only violated the code of conduct but also have disrespected the Mother Luna's gift! With adequate proof of the video and the scars and Luna Cassiopeia's diary entries- The Council hereby punishes you to spent the next 65 years in isolation and 150 ml wolfs bane is to be injected into your blood every single day to kill your wolf, you are to be stripped off of your title from now on and Luna Cassiopeia will rule as the Alpha-female in your place till your and her son is eligible enough to be the Alpha." He finished. Aries had tears streaming down his face as he wept and was dragged off by the officers out of the hall. 

Now, Lord Vermont turned towards Leah. 

Hey Loveliess!!!

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Hey Loveliess!!!

Only a few more chapters to go! Let me know what you think of Aries' punishment!


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