17. A L A T E

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Alate (n.) having wings


It had been a week since Leah's execution, under the orders from the council, Cassiopeia had to lash her which she did and enjoyed it. Cassiopeia and Roxanne had stayed in the execution ground till life slipped out from Leah's once vibrant eyes. Cassiopeia was now training to be the Alpha female of Aries' pack and till she is ready, Draco was asked to take up the responsibility to run the pack. Triton was still a healthy and an active pup and his giggles had enhanced the entire ambience of the Knox Mansion. 

As for now, Cassiopeia was standing outside Aries' cell, 

"Cassie..." He mumbled with tears in his eyes, 

Cassiopeia's eyes hardened, "It is Alpha Cassiopeia to you." 

Aries' expressions turned gloomy as he gazed at her dreamily, 

"Please, get me out of here..." He pleaded as Cassiopeia took some time to notice his appearance, his hair was shabby and his muscular body was slowly thinning and his eyes held no life- he resembled her when she was caged in those dark dungeons. She tossed him a cruel smirk,

"So miserable you are...." She purred. Aries' face contorted into pain,

"Who are you?" He asked in disbelief, this was not his mate, she was kind and compassionate....she was never this cold.

"I think you know who I am..." She chuckled bitterly, "I am the woman you had tortured, I am the woman you had tried to kill. I am the woman who survived and look at you... you are just a shell of the man I once knew.....You are the real victim here..." 

"How can you be so cruel?" he asked as his eyes welled up,

"Being the cruel to the ones you love is exactly what you taught me." She rebuked. 

"Did you never see love in my eyes? I loved you... please, sweetheart...try to understand.." He began.

"My Eye gazed into your cold one; Unlike, every other time, now they held some strange emotion in them- I knew what it was for I had felt it for a long time too- it was love, but now, I felt nothing. The numbness had already devoured me in, your unsaid rejection had already shattered me. The pain, the betrayal- everything, everything had made me wallow into this never ending hole of nothingness. The only reason, I was still breathing was just because of our pup I was carrying. I would die, I will die after I give birth. The thought of death made me smile and just like that, I knew that I had indeed gone crazy....I surely saw love in those eyes of yours once but everything changed when you decided to believe your skank of a mother and ruin the beautiful relationship we had. You chose to ruin your chances of being a father to our pup and Today, I am here to tell you that I am moving on." With that being said, she turned around and walked away living a disoriented Aries alone to his thoughts. 


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