14. A M B R O S I A L

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Ambrosial(adj.) Fragrant or delicious


The head of the werewolf council- Lord Vincent Vermont sat on his leather plush chair centered in the middle of the Werewolf Court, The court house was built like a parliament with a throne like leather chair in the middle of the huge hall, the council head's chair was situated on a built podium. On each side of his chair were two other chairs meant for the Vice President and the Secretary of the werewolf council. The Elders were the members of the advisors of the werewolf council High court. Beside Lord Vermont sat Sir Lucas Knight, the President and on Lord Vermont's other side sat the council secretary, Lady Andromeda Vigil, she was a well known she-wolf in the werewolf world and part witch making her the only living hybrid. 

Before the podium were rows of wooden benches were the Elders sat and this Hall was extended like a vast Amphitheatre, on the first and the second floors were the seats reserved for the werewolves who would sit to watch the trials. 

Lord Vermont nodded at Lady Knox to begin, she stood swiftly and bowed before the three of them and began speaking,

"My Lord, I have pressed charges against Omega Leah King and her son Alpha Aries King for having abused my great granddaughter Cassiopeia Jones-King, Alpha King's Luna. I urge everyone to kindly understand that they had traumatized Luna Cassiopeia to the extent of her falling into depression whilst being pregnant with her son; She had been traumatized to the extent of her brain forcing her to go emotionless or numb. Apart from the verbal and Emotional Abuse, Luna Cassiopeia is also a victim of physical abuse, Lord. I have submitted pictures and the video of Aries King and his mother caging her in their Pack Dungeons and torturing her. Her body is now marred with scars and so is her mind." Her voice boomed in the Hall. Cassiopeia was seated next to her brothers and parents on the first floor, she could feel the hair on the nape of her neck stand up and her eyes welling up as the memories of her torment flashed by her eyes. 

Lord Vermont nodded and spoke,

"Very well, Can we have the prisoners brought her, please." 

Within a second, the werewolf officers dragged in the mother and son duo; Leah looked like she was on the edge of losing it all and Aries' appearance was completely disoriented. Both of them were forced to kneel before the podium and Lady Andromeda spoke,

"Can we have the eye witness to speak, please?" 

Lady Knox nodded, "Miss Thalia, Can you please tell us all of what you saw?" 

Thalia stood up by her seat as an Elder strode towards her with the holy book on Mother Luna and asked her pledge that she would only speak the truth.

"I, Thalia Williams, hereby pledge to only speak and practice the truth and swear on the Mother Luna, Selene that I will abide by the truth. Punishment shall be served to me if I am found guilty." She softly spoke and retrieved her palm which was placed over the Holy book. 

"Speak." Lady Knox urged.

"I have witnessed Omega Leah and Alpha Aries whipping Luna Cassiopeia in the dungeons, I have cleaned her wounds for the two weeks she was in there. Every time I would sneak down to the dungeon, I would see her writing in the old tattered diary- " Lady Andromeda cut her off before she could continue,

"Diary? Well then, how come no one in the pack knew about her whereabouts?"

"Lady Andromeda, Ma'am, Alpha Aries had told all the pack members that she was gone to meet her family for the next couple of weeks and hence no one questioned her whereabouts.... I knew of it because I had spied on them under the orders of the former Alpha, he and his son- Draco were quite cautious about Cassiopeia's well being. Perhaps, they knew that Omega Leah and Alpha Aries might try to harm her more once they leave for an official consignment." Thalia explained before taking a deep breathe, " And Alpha Aries had left her with a tattered diary and a pen so that she could write about her experience and pain and after she dies, he could relish and enjoy and live her pain through her writings. At least, that is what he used to say every time he used to whip her with wolfs bane laced whips." She concluded. 

"We would like to hear Luna Cassiopeia's verdict now." Lady Andromeda affirmed and asked Thalia to sit. 

Cassiopeia's eyes welled up and she squeezed her Mother's hand which was laced with her before standing up.

'I can do this...' She thought.

' She thought

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