10. H I R A E TH

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Hiraeth (n.) Home sickness for a home you can't return to


Lady Knox stood by the huge window glass by her office, it has been awfully lonely for her ever since her mate died in the great battle against the Vampires. Being an Elder for the werewolf council did a little for her loneliness to fade away but at times, she did miss her life as the Luna of her pack. Her mate was one of the most powerful Alpha of his time- and also one of the most good looking Alpha too, and he was exceptionally good in bed (Not that Lady Knox would tell you about her mate's sex appeal but as your author I am allowed to spill ; D ).

Now, her great granddaughter had suffered a terrible fate. Perhaps, it was in their blood line for the women to move past hardships when it came to their lives with their mates. She heaved out a heavy sigh as a knock on her door resonated in the room. 

"Come in." She commanded. 

The male wolf entered the door, his brooding height towered over hers as he waited for her command to sit,

"Sit." She ordered. The male wolf sat, the Alpha in his blood oozing the air with energy,

"State your business." She affirmed, the Male wolf stammered a bit before responding,

"I have come here to seek the council's permission to allow me to wed somebody else and legally severe all the ties with my current chosen." He spoke nervously, 

"Hmm..." She hummed, 

"And, I have also come with the proof you needed to file the case against Alpha Aries and his mother- Omega Leah." He spoke. 

Lady Knox's ears perked up at that, She turned around to face the male wolf,

"I need to you to show me the proof. Right. Now." She affirmed. 

The male wolf picked out a little Photo album and his phone,

"This is the album which has all the pictures of the aftermath of Luna Cassiopeia's abuse and this phone has the videos and voice recordings of Aries and Leah beating her up in the dungeons and this also has the video recording of Omega Thalia, the eye witness speaking about Luna Cassiopeia's torture." He said. 

Lady Knox's blood boiled at the thought of having to watch the torture of her lovely little Cassiopeia, but she masked her emotions and stared at the male wolf coldly,

"Alright, I am willing to sign and sent the papers for a legal separation to your chosen and after everything is finalized, you are free marry the woman of your choice." She said and took out a file filled with papers for legal separation under the rules and laws of the werewolf council and took out a bunch of papers and signed them and then handed them over to the male wolf, 

"Fill out the necessary details and you will be granted separation. I have signed, already. You are free to leave." She affirmed. 

The male wolf stood up and bowed before her slightly, 

"Thank you, Lady Knox. Much obliged." He spoke and with that he turned around to leave,

"Draco?" Lady Knox's soft voice made him stop before he could turn the door knob, 

"Why? He is your son." She asked.

He smiled sadly at her and said,

"I have sinned too, My Lady... I have hurt the one I was supposed to love, I brought disgrace to my bloodline...Consider this my Liberation from my committed sins and my son's redemption from his." With that, he turned around and left leaving Lady Knox alone, who had a glint of pride in her eyes,

'He grew up, finally.' She thought.

HEY LOVELIESSS! How are you all feeling today? Look, I know I updated the story a bit late today but I have legit reasons for doing that- firstly, I have my end semester exams coming up and I was busy studying and cramming and secondly, I had clas...

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HEY LOVELIESSS! How are you all feeling today? Look, I know I updated the story a bit late today but I have legit reasons for doing that- firstly, I have my end semester exams coming up and I was busy studying and cramming and secondly, I had classes to attend the whole day but don't I will update every day. Here's my favourite Little Mix song-

- Krea.💙💙

REDEMPTION : Cassiopeia's Tale ( BOOK 2 )Where stories live. Discover now