//Plan making//

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I groaned and snuggled deeper into my covers. "Emma is it really necessary for you to be banging those pots at 6:00 am?" I whined, covering my ears with my pillow. 

"Of course, silly!" She exclaimed, leaning close to my face. I peeked out from under my pillow and winced. How can someone have such a lively glow after such a hellish journey??! All the kids started filtering out excitedly to the bath and I smiled. Perks of being scary- they'll let you take a bath the night before. Of course, apparently not scary enough to warrant Emma to leave me alone early in the morning.

"Time to get up, you lazy but!!" She cheered, ripping off my blanket. 

"Rude." I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my tired eyes. I tried to blink the sleepiness away before realizing I was still in my tarnished clothes which were dirty with sweat, a little blood here and there, and, well, dirt. "I'm going to go get a change of clothes~" I mumbled, climbing out of bed and leaving the room. 

I wandered around for a bit- thanks to my god-awful direction sense- before I finally located where everyone else was dressing. Gilda checked my sizes and handed my a bundle of clothes.

"Here. They're the second smallest pair, sorry- we need the smallest sizes for the abundance of little kids, and there's a lot of this size... It may be a bit baggy. Is that okay?" She asked concernedly. 

"No, no, its fine!" I said in reassurance, flipping through the clothes. 

"I can tailor it for you if it becomes a problem..." She offered sweetly.

"I'm sure you've got your hands full already!" I grinned, looking around at all the younger children playing around in their oversized shirts. "If it does become a real problem I'll go to Niko- or Reina. They're both quite handy!" I smiled, looking for the two girls until I spotted them assisting Anna in cleaning all the old clothes. "Be sure to call on them if you need help." I said to Gilda, who I knew would be working extremely hard for the entirety of the manga, especially from here on. She deserves some appreciation.

"I'll be sure to do so. Thanks, Y/N!" She smiled before turning to help with the sorting of clothes. I waved and left, finding a separate room to change in.

The clothes were all spotless and soft, and I smiled as I put them on. I tucked the white collared shirt into the dark high-waisted pants which were slightly baggy, but fit well enough for movement. The pant waist was a little loose, like Gilda worried, but thankfully I still had the knife holster from my old clothes, which would have to double as a belt until I got Niko to tailor the waistline. 

As I was picking up my bundle of old clothes, there was a small clatter as something fell to the floor. I looked down quickly and my heart sank as I saw Mujika's amulet laying there. I picked it up once again and sighed, inspecting it for possibly the hundredth time since receiving the 'good luck charm' from the demon girl.

The metal that surrounded the gem in the middle was golden coloured and glistened beautifully, its clasps holding tightly onto the amulet part. The gem was a beautiful teal colour that looked more green in some areas and more blue in others. There was a swirl of neon blue in the gem that almost seemed to glow. I bit my lip before stuffing it into my pant pocket and leaving the room.


"THIS IS SO GOOD~~~!!" I cried whilst stuffing my face, completely engrossed in my own world, the surrounding kids were chattering happily. I wondered if they had any clothes that suited me better- I'd have to check later. Not saying that the clothes I was wearing right now wasn't nice, but I wanted something a little more battle-suited, at least. 

I finished as quickly as I could, and Chris looked up from beside me. "Done already?" He asked, still only barely having touched his food. 

"Yeah." I smiled, taking my plates and clearing them off in the kitchen. After doing so I came back and sat near Emma and Ray, who were in the midst of another conversation. I pulled my knife out of my holster and twirled it in my hands, trying to get more comfortable with the blade.

It wasn't crudely made at all- for a knife carved from a mineral. It wasn't forged or anything like that. The knife itself was a stone-like black mineral which was carved into a knife-like shape. The blade waned at the end to form a point you could draw blood by touching. The blade was rather thin in comparison to the handle, which consisted of a wooden part attached to the blade, which was then wrapped in a thin leather strap. Upon looking closer to the handle I discovered a faint engraving in the leather. Seeing as I couldn't read it, I assumed it was in the demon dialect. 

"So Minerva is in A08-63? I heard Don ask. I stuck my knife back into my belt and turned my attention towards the older kids' conversation. 

"Emma and I will go find A08-63." Ray announced 

"Um, but what about us?!" Nat exclaimed. 

The kids went on to explain about the dangers of the mission and how needed it was that they'd stay here. 

"But Ray and Emma, you... if something-!!" Don tried to get out. 

"Of course, even going alone will be taking a risk. But I'm not planning on dying." Just as I was about to butt in Ray continued. "And... I'd like to ask Y/N to come with us as well."

"HAHH?!" One of the kids gaped. 

Ray looked to me and shrugged."You saw how she handled the situation with the man back there." He offered, but Hannah interjected.

"If you're going to choose someone else- even if from our plant- shouldn't it be someone older?" She began, standing up from her seat. "Even if Y/N is intelligent, she isn't the most athletic out of all of us-" Hannah said, turning to Reina for assistance.

"I'm not so sure that's true anymore..." The raven-haired girl stated plainly, stroking her hair. Hannah then looked to Poppy for assistance, who was leaning back in her chair, her face scrunched.

"Although I hate to admit it, after all the training she's received from Sonju she's at least on par with Hayato and Chris... likely on par with Reina and I. And even then..." She sighed, as if speaking this way about me was becoming increasingly difficult.

Now it was Hayato's turn to agree, the usually quiet boy leaning forward and putting down his book. "She's got better weapon skills than all of us." He said simply, before picking up his book and leaving the conversation once again.

"And she's really smart!" Daisy exclaimed, popping out of seemingly nowhere. 

Ray looked around the room for any further interjections. "...And there you have it." He then looked to me, his grey-green eyes making contact with my sapphire blue ones. "I know its dangerous, but will you accompany us?" He asked.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, sitting up quickly. "Even if you hadn't recommended me I was going anyway eheheh..." I grinned, twirling my knife subconsciously. My plant and several of the original cast face-palmed, including Ray. 

(A/N: Due to the fact that 1,500 words of this fanfic were just lost to oblivion, I will now be passing away)

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