//An Announcement over Breakfast//

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I sat up in bed and stretched my arms, yawning. The grandfather clock tolled 5, meaning that everyone else would likely be up in an hour.

Poppy, Reina, Chris, Hannah, and Daisy had kept me company until pretty late last night until mom- named Nina- shooed them away so I could get some rest.

What I learned was the following; I (or Y/n) have always been the top scorer for my age group and sometimes the whole plantation. I've been getting almost consecutive perfect scores since I turned 6.

I also learned that Y/n's personality is very similar to mine... which brings me to my next worry- did Y/n have another soul before me? Did I swap with her? Or have I been in this body since it was born- and simply don't really remember the first 10 years or so of my life? Or was this body created simply for me and false memories forged for everyone who knew me. I had no way of knowing yet, but I'm assuming judging by the reactions and recollection of old memories that Y/n has been alive since she was born- whether I was present at the time or some other soul resided within her until now I do not know.

I also learned the averages of all of the 5 children- (In order from oldest to youngest),
Poppy: 290
Reina: 295
Y/n (myself): 299
Chris: 280
Hannah: 285
Daisy: 275

These other 5 are all the top of their age group- and the most promising of all the children. And Daisy's average, despite being the lowest of the 6, had been climbing a lot recently, meaning it was likely more like 280. The opposite was happening to Chris, though, who lately had been in a downfall, as a month ago, apparently, his average was 290.

I took in all this information and sighed before I suddenly felt like throwing up.

"And now I have to actually get that high." I was super nervous about how the hell I was going to keep up my near-perfect streak. I mean, if I was being honest, after waking up I did feel significantly smarter. But it was likely my subconscious trying to goad me into feeling safe.

The plan hanged on my ability to get a top score. I quietly walked out of bed and got ready. I found a hairbrush and ran in through my tangled white hair, making it smooth and silky. It was hard to get used to- it didn't feel like me. Even my own skin was different. It was silky and smooth, pale, and devoid of any blemishes. Likely a combined affect of being in an anime and being livestock of Grace Field farm. The name made me shiver. It was still hard to believe that this was really happening.

"Was it?" I muttered out loud, pinching my skin hardly.

"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!" I cursed. I turned around and met the shocked face of Reina. Oops.

She stared at me like I was some foreign being.

"Uh..." I nervously tittered. She started to chuckle quietly before smiling.

"I'm glad you're back to normal, Y/n." She said happily. I smiled back. She really was so sweet. We headed downstairs together, deciding to help with breakfast preparation.

We passed by Nina on the way, who gave us a motherly smile. We told her we were going to start preparation and she nodded okay, explaining that she just finished the prep for prep. I was a bit worried about my cooking abilities, but something told me that Reina was great at it, so I shouldn't need to worry.

Once we got there I started preparing the bread rolls while Reina started prepping the potatoes- peeling and slicing them. We didn't want everything to be cold by the time breakfast was ready, so we started with the things that were going to take longest first. Half past 5 I finished the rolls, leaving them to rise.

"Hey Reina, we have a lot of oranges- do you think I could make orange juice?" I asked.Reina smiled and welcomed the idea, and I got to work. Thank the lord we had a juice squeezer- hand squeezing enough orange juice for 36 kids plus Nina would've been the death of me.

Or the second one. Maybe if I die again I'll end up in another anime??? What next??? Oh lord please not Attack on Titan. Maybe MHA-then I'd get a quirk!! (I mean maybe)

While distracted by my thoughts I ended up finishing all the orange juice. It took me about 20 minutes.

Reina started cooking the potatoes and preparing the sausages. I cleaned up my mess and started preparing eggs. I then plopped them into the pan and started cooking. A few minutes later, a black-haired brown-eyed boy named Hayato walked in. He looked at the two of us before speaking.

"You guys started early." He said, grabbing out the dishes. As we cooked he took the food and plated them up for everyone. He also put the bread rolls in the oven.

After the grandfather clock chimed 6 I started hearing the kids waking up. At 6:10 the majority of them started showing up, and I spotted Hannah and, who was it, Niko?- a black haired and pink eyed girl arguing as they came in. They busted out laughing halfway through and took seats next to each other.

I smiled and yawned as I finished cooking everything. Hayato pulled the rolls out of the oven and they steamed enticingly. We all smiled and started carrying out the food, plating it and setting up the extras. After we brought it all out, as some kids were still trickling in, I slipped out and flipped through the calendar.

There was no adoptions this month. There were none next month either. I assumed that there wouldn't be any much farther in advance but I double checked to be sure. I then flipped backwards through the calendar to see that the last one really was two months ago- on August 17th. Which should mean that the next adoption will be soon...

I ran back to the dining room and took a seat as the last kids arrived. I was across from Poppy and beside Chris- which I new immediately Poppy had something to do with. Scheming butthole trying to get Chris and I to get together. Sorry, sweetie. The only men I like are 2D men. And possibly women. I mean, Mikasa is hot.

There was a little red-head sitting next to me- maybe just about 6 years old. She looked to me and gave me a big smile.

"I'm glad you're better, Y/n!" She said happily, giving me a sideways hug. I smiled and patted her head.

"Thanks, Ichika." She smiled back up at me and turned to her plate to eat, but we were interrupted by mother dearest.

"Everyone, I have an announcement!"

Oh no. I felt myself visibly pale and tried to keep it from happening.

"Congratulations, Ichika! One week from now you are being adopted!"

I almost turned green as I turned to the ecstatic little girl beside me. The whole orphanage erupted in cheers and happy tears and I tried to join in the congratulations, and I believe did a fair job, but there was a massive frog in my throat, and I supposed I looked a bit pale, seeing as mother walked up to me and frowned.

"Are you sure you're alright Y/n? You look a little pale. Are you really well enough to take the test?" Nina asked, the concern visible on her face.

"I'm sure I can, mama! I just felt a little under the weather for a second! I'm sure my complexion will colour a bit more after I eat." She nodded and walked back to her seat. I tried not to exhale in relief too visibly.


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