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Read all the way to the end on this one. If you don't, you'll regret it, I can promise you that.


The room went so still and silent you could've hear the drop of a pin from another room. "...what?" Norman was the first to speak, his eyes wide in surprise.

"Yuugo, that isn't funny." Ray scoffed after a moment of pause, although there was a large amount of fear trembling beneath the surface of his voice.

"Ray." Yuugo spoke sternly, pursing his lips. "Why would I lie about this?" He asked. A chill of dread spread throughout the room.

"That- that can't be possible-" Emma muttered out, her shoulders tensing, throwing her arm out behind her. "It can't be!"

"Yeah." A few choruses of agreement echoed throughout the room. "It's not possible."

"Plus-" Anna murmured quietly. "How would you know such a thing?"

Yuugo swallowed dryly. "Y/N told me herself. She told me what the reward was-"

"DON'T JOKE AROUND WITH ME-!!" Ray yelled, grabbing onto the cuff of Yuugo's shirt angrily. But Yuugo made no further attempt to speak, a strained smile on his face as tears brimmed the corners of the man's eyes. Realization slowly dawned onto Ray's face, and he slumped to the ground, defeated.

"That can't be true..." Emma sobbed, falling to her knees.

"Emma-" Norman murmured worriedly, although he was trying to keep his voice from faltering himself.

Ray stared emptily into space as Norman's sadness quickly turning to anger. "You..." The albino spoke coldly. "If you knew what would happen... why would you still let her make the promise?!"

Yuugo's smile didn't falter outwardly, although his eyes shined in pained tears. "Yeah!!" Poppy yelled angrily. "Why- How could you let her do that to herself?!"

"Stop, guys." Ray spoke softly, staring at the floor. "No one could've stopped her. I tried. In the end, she made her own choice." Despite the words he spoke, he looked the worse out of all of them, his dark circles seeming to become infinitely darker. The ravenhead silently stood up and brushed off his pants, walking towards the exit of the suffocating room. "I'm sure..." He turned at the doorway and offered them a weak smile. "-she doesn't regret it." He silently exited the room, Yuugo wiping his own tears with an apologetic and weak smile. 'I did what you asked, Y/N. I hope... you can rest easy, now.'


Ray wandered the halls absent-mindedly, until he found himself in a room far enough from the others, which turned out to be a library. He walked in until he stood besides a wall, staring at the floor, until his facade cracked.

"Dammit-!!" He yelled suddenly, punching the wall. "Dammit, dammit, damnit!" He cried out again, and again, and again, pounding against the wall, until he let out a choked sob and fell to his knees. "Damn it!" He sobbed again, tears spilling from his eyes. 'You're welcome for everything, Y/N.' His own voice replayed in his mind. "Welcome for what?" He asked himself, unable to swallow. "Idiot. All those things you thanked me for... I didn't even manage to save what meant most to me."

Tears filled his eyes and he gasped for breath. "I'm so sorry." He choked out, his chest tightening. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." He sobbed again, pressing his hands into his face. "If only I had- if only I had tried a little harder-" He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to settle the panic in his chest as it rose, an old but familiar feeling to the ravenette.

"Shhhh..." Isabella hushed, wrapping her arms around her son. "You're okay, Ray." She pet his head gently, nuzzling him into her chest. "Listen to my breathing." She spoke quietly and kindly, as a mother should. "Follow along with me. You'll be okay."

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Where stories live. Discover now