//Escaping the Shelter//

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(The cover image was a satisfying moment. For those who've read the manga, at least. Go read the manga. You know who you are.

Anywayy as the people who follow this acc probably know, Alex (the original author, kinda) is taking a break for the time being, so all of the chapters for now are completely by me 🤡🤡 (FYI, at the moment it is just me, Anna, writing the story... so yeah...)

I'll go now-

I hope you enjoy~~~)


"I-is it really going to happen??!" Yvette asked in shock as we dashed for the secret tunnel entrance from the armoury.

"Yeah." I said, a bead of sweat sliding down my face. Pepe joined us in our dead sprint as we tried to reach the tunnel.

"No way-!!" Multiple kids chorused. I herded them all to the armoury, waving them all in before going in last. Yuugo opened the door to the secret path and we all headed out.

"So they really found us?!" Lani exclaimed as we continued our run.

"Yeah." I said. "They'll be here soon."

We ran a little further down the hallway and I grinned when I saw the row of packs neatly packed on the side. Everyone grabbed a pack themselves and I did a headcount, finding everyone safely here.

"Anna, you have the self destruct device, right?" I asked her. Anna nodded and pulled the self-destruct switch from her pack. I smiled.

"Poppy?" I asked. Poppy nodded and pulled out a receiver. "We completed it while you were gone." She said, handing it to me.

I inhaled a breath of relief. So far, so good.


I gulped, my throat dry. I pulled out the receiver from Poppy, placing my finger on the large red button on top. If this didn't work... I turned to Ray beside me and gave him a nod. I handed him the receiver and climbed up the ladder, my hands trembling slightly.

We should be here long earlier than Andrew expected. But he'll be entering the shelter any minute now... I took a deep breath, then turned around to Ray, holding up 5 fingers before climbing up the ladder.

I pressed my ear to the hatch above my head and counted down from 5 silently.

A loud boom rumbled as several bombs went off throughout the shelter. Good. The receiver worked. And now to hope the adults outside...

"What was that?!!" I heard 2 adults exclaim through the hatch. I took a moment to catch my breath and opened it slightly, my throat catching as I listened for a loud noise to give me away- alas, there was none. I smiled to myself. They must've oiled the hinges, those smarties.

I peeked my eyes into the small crack now open and watched as the two adults who must've been on guard of this entrance spoke frantically into their walkie-talkie, too distracted to notice the small movement.

"All of the explosions were from your side." I heard over the com. device, a smile spreading over my face. The bombs were placed close to the emergency exit- where we were all now. It was a dangerous gamble, but it would hopefully buy us time.

"They must've set bombs as a distraction-!!" I heard one of the adults visible from the crack yell.

"They're likely heading out one of the far exits while you two inspect the damage down there!" I heard a new voice call over the walkie-talkie. I grinned. So far so good.

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