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I turned around to look back on Emma and Ray as we continued our mad dash. Sure enough, Yuugo was sprinting hard from the get go. Me, being fast as I was, could barely manage to keep up with him, but the bigger issue was my endurance. Deciding to conserve my energy, I dropped back to where Emma and Ray were running.

"Woah, Y/N! You're fast!" Emma praised. I grinned.

"Not fast enough to run away from my crippling depression-" Overlooking what I just said, the two looked forward once again.

"He really is fast... Lugging around that heavy gun too..." Emma admired as we continued our mad dash for the forest line. "I guess adults really are on another level." She appraised quietly while Yuugo turned around and laughed obnoxiously.

"HA HA! Kids suck at this!" He bragged as he was running quite easily despite the mad pace.

The rest of the run was hell, and I knew I made the right decision to drop back when my tiredness began to take a toll on my pace.

As we walked through the forest I watched Yuugo's movements carefully. The way he swayed, how he placed his weight, and how he analyzed tracks.

"To the right." The dark-haired man declared. Ray and I sighed in unison. The tracks to the right were obviously more recent.

"To the right?" Ray repeated in accusation.

"Really?" I added in for extra emphasis.

Yuugo made a clicking noise. "...to the left." He restated, followed by a 'tch'.

I felt the small change in atmosphere before I felt the nearly indistinct rumble. I immediately grabbed the handgun secured to my hip and looked up just as the demon in question dropped from the sky. I faced towards it and immediately felt any will to fight leave my body.

"Y/N!" Emma and Ray shouted in unison, yanking me back from the falling man-eater just as it snapped its jaw's in the place my head had just been. I was thrown the farthest from the demon and landed roughly on my side. I winced and turned back towards the demon, which let out a deafening screech, heading for Emma.

Before I had time to think Yuugo shot the creature multiple times in the face. I stood up shakily and looked to my hands. My knuckles were white from gripping my handgun. Even though I knew it was coming... I couldn't do anything. 'It's not over yet!' my subconsciousness urged me into action as Ray and Emma relaxed at the thought of passing danger.

I pulled out my gun once again, and despite my hands trembling ridiculously, steadied myself. "Y/N the demon is dead what are you-!!" The demon rose once again and my fingers pulled the trigger of the handgun, cutting it off mid-screech. I hit it right in the cluster of eyes in the center- but I was too late.

"MOVE!" I yelled, grabbing Ray and Emma. They took a moment to react before following me in my mad dash for safety. We made it to a sturdy branch high above the demons before Yuugo spoke.

"What a scene! You three are in quite a pinch, huh! To think you not only messed with their meal but killed one of their own-" His eyes flicked to mine for a moment. "This is even more terrifying than just letting them call everyone else! Well then, kids... let's see how you survive this!"

Yuugo then saluted goodbye before saying one more thing, "Welp, I guess y'all going to die, but try and do your best anyway! I'll be around watching the show!" He then leapt up out of reach.

"When one of you drops dead I'll take my pickings on who to save~" And with that, he left us to fend for ourselves. But I wasn't just going to take that.

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