Chapter 57

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Ivy dragged her fingertips along the spines of the books on the 'Law and Sociology' shelf of the Gotham Library. They were rapidly broadening and bursting with roots as new life sprouted through them. The library had become a jungle with selectively spared academia and works of fiction. That was mainly from Daria's pleading rather than Ivy's not-so structured plan. Whilst doing her library tour, Daria very happily sat in the duty-librarians chair in the front of the building and read any book of her choice, intermittently spinning the chair around and tucking her legs to her chest so not to bash into any of the desks or cabinets.

Ivy had been so kind as to hyper-grow a pear tree in the center of the library so Daria could live her own little summer-time frugivore fantasy and help herself to as many as she wanted to quench her hunger and thirst. After the first few hours of occupying the library, Daria decided to take a walk around and admire Ivy's artistry. The air smelled thickly sweet and Daria felt that she was being held in a soft embrace despite moving about by her lonesome. 

Catching any glimpse of outside from windows took away the moment of magic, it was an apocalyptic glow of oranges and yellows. The sun was working hard, burning through the gas clouds. Daria was sure that it was finally dissipating and would be gone in mere days. She looked through a large window on the second floor. The streets were a mess of abandoned cars, trash and the occasional body laying on the floor, not to mention the group of Gotham Rogues marching through them all, distinctive in their bright colors and gas masks.

Wait, what?

Daria tapped excitedly at the window, hoping they would hear or see her.
"Ivy!" She shouted, "Harley is outside with some of the others, Edward and Joker and, uh," she thought about who the other guy was. "Hatman? Mad Hatter!" She ran to where she thought Ivy could be. The botanist was sitting on an ivy decorated chair, breathing in her work.
"I'd invite them in but I'd rather the Joker not hurt my children again." She scowled at the memory.
"I will go speak to them outside first," Daria attempted to put herself in the mediating role. She practically flung herself over the banister. She paused to appropriately attach her gas mask and then ran outside. 

Edward let out a stifled shriek when Daria hugged him without warning. The group had been facing a different direction than the one she had approached from.

"Daria!" Harley piled onto the hug, ignoring Edward's further discomfort as he was sandwiched between the two women. 

"Daria, want to give dear old Joker a hug?" The girls broke apart from the embrace, much to Edward's relief. Daria had almost leapt into the Joker's open arms. She felt a part of the Gotham Rogues. However, his previous engagements with Daria had made her slow to enjoy his presence.
She found an awkward middle way and offered the Joker a wave instead.

"Ivy has made the library beautiful, but she isn't comfortable inviting anyone in that would cause harm to her... children," Daria used Ivy's words. She looked back to Joker when saying the last part. She then looked to Harley to see if she could provide any support. She could see through the mask that Harley had been excited by the prospect of seeing Ivy again and she peeled from the group immediately to enter the library.
So much for support.
"Daria!" Joker spoke emphatically as usual, "Take a walk with me?"

Daria found herself looking to the guidance of Edward, who gave her a subtle shrug. Hardly what she'd expected from him at all, but better than grabbing her and steering her away from the notoriously tantrum trigger-happy clown.

"Only within this block," she negotiated.
"Marvelous," He grinned - nothing new, "kids, run along now, go play in the library."

The Mad Hatter, Edward and a girl unknown to Daria, continued towards the Library. Leaving the Joker and Daria in a bubble of silence which the Joker readily punctured once the rest of the group had disappeared into the building.

"Now, tell Uncle Joker how you first week of Criminal Kindergarten is going,"

Daria scanned her brain for a snappy response, but found herself disinterested applying such an attitude.
"It's been... fine," she offered a slightly over-exaggerated shrug. Joker had begun to pick up his pace, apparently serious about taking a walk. A perplexed Daria followed after behind him.
"I was right wasn't I? you 're just like Harls! Quite the hoot, Scarecrow has great taste," His grin morphed into a smirk, "I should know, my taste is superb."

"What's next?" She found herself almost caring for his advice. She'd, at the very least, take his words with a grain of salt. 

"We decorate the city for when it wakes up again, Gotham is our city now." He picked up his walking pace. "I was going to start by blowing up City Hall, but dear Mr Riddler and Hatter had already made it their new playhouse. I did get to have a few minutes of kick-face with the Bat so I'm a happy Joker today."

"How did he seem? I encountered him whilst setting off the gas cloud for Scarecrow the other day,"
The other day... how many days has it been? A Week perhaps? 
"Absolutely Intoxicated..Breathless," Joker clasped his hands and tilted his head against them to act a 'infatuated teenage' characterisation. "Like he had bats in his stomach just from seeing me." He then turned on his heel and started walking back the way they came. "I've waited enough, I'm going in the library now, Ivy doesn't have anything to worry about. I've got your company while she's with Harley." Daria didn't ask more on that in the moment. If the group split up again she was most definitely going with Edward and did not want to accompany the Joker nor be alone with him for much too long.

Joker pushed on the library door, opening it as little as possible and slipping through. Daria followed in the same, wondering if he was being considerate of Ivy's work of keeping the toxin out of the building or if it was just his unique entering style.
The organic decorations welcomed them with sweet smells and soft cool air. Daria hoped everyone wanted to stay for a while. She felt good there. 

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