Chapter 53

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Edward stood in a mess of an apartment. He wasn't too far from his own house and had made a mental note to stop by afterwards for some food and equipment. 

Jervis had elaborately laid out a tea party that spanned over every available surface. Teacups (mainly broken) scattered over a table, kitchen counter and sink. There were two large teapots that held bouquets of Salvia that drank up the water contained within.
A young woman was tucked up in a blanket laying on a hollowed-out sofa. Edward immediately suspected she was a hypnotised subject that had been sent to sleep for now.

He had no urge to wake her up. Once Jervis had done a terrible hypnosis job and Ed had almost been maimed in the process by a tiny schoolgirl wielding an axe. Jonathan still reminded him to this day, Eddy would know from the fit of laughter that ensued before being reminded of the ordeal.

"Eddy Nygma, looking swell!" Jervis emerged casually from the bathroom, dress head to toe in royal purple. His mask looked incredibly over-elaborate as if it created its own oxygen rather than filtering the air. "Tell me friend, are you well?"

"More energetic than your little Aurora here," Ed thrusted his cane in the direction of the sofa.

"Don't you worry Eddy, not another axe-wielder triggered by question marks," He smirked. "How's our third part?"
"Scarecrow  is off doing his thing, no time for us fools anymore," He mimed a sigh and almost flung his hand to his mouth when it sounded more desperate and upset then he'd meant to convey.

"Looks like you need a villain's day out," Jervis giggled again. "Shall we go find the Gotham Town Hall and play with some officials?"
"Oh, Jervis, you know how to cheer me up," He offered a comedic grin. "If Scarecrow's scary smoke hasn't whittled them all into cowering babies. They seem to refuse to answer my riddles when they are scared." 

"The effects will fade," Jervis explained. "The city will wake up soon." As if he knew Edward was about to ask how he knew, Jervis pulled out a large device that seemed to be acknowledging the presence of the foreign gas in the air. 

"So, now is the best time to plan and create, while everyone else is delusional and dormant." Edward felt inspired once again. Gotham needed a makeover that would last way beyond the city being back on its feet again.

"Alice awaken!" Jervis called loudly. The girl on the couch stirred and opened her eyes, revealing them as bloodshot. She rose, leaving a clump of hair behind on the couch. "She is not very well you see,"

"Oh, I definitely see," Edward refrained from modest wording.
'Alice' looked up at him, blinking, before folding over and puking inches from his shoes. The Mad Hatter laughed, rising in pitch and volume.
"Jervis!" Edward scolded, shuffling away from the mess of blood and bile.

"Alice, we are going on an adventure," Jervis held out his gloved hand to her. "Gather your flowers and get your coat."

Edward frowned at the idea of wearing a coat in the hot weather Gotham was experiencing. He reminded himself that the girl may be cold due to her disease, whatever it may be. He was curious. There was a high change Jervis would tell him anyway. He was an over-sharer.

"Shall we?"

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