Chapter 47

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When Harley woke up, she was being carried by Ivy. The horrors had been an illusion. She was okay.
"Wha-what happened?"
"You inhaled Scarecrow's toxin,"
"Why'd he give me the toxin I'm on the evil side too!" She whined.
"Its everywhere in Gotham now, I'm immune and I gave you a temporary antidote,"
"Temporary?" Harley snuggled against Ivy, who was 100x stronger than she looked. She smelled sweetly of tonka beans and vanilla.

"The gas in the air is constant so it won't be long till it overpowers the antidote, or your body gets weaker. We need to get to higher ground. My plants can sense where the air begins to clear again."

They were back at the hotel they had spent the night in.
Upon reaching the Penthouse, Ivy noticed a secondary presence. She put Harley down and used her plants to sense the intruder.

Daria heard the bell of the elevator go off. Someone was on the penthouse floor. In a sugar-dazed and caffeine-buzzed state, she merely walked towards the door to greet whomever it could be.

Much to her luck, and hope, it was Ivy and Harley.
Harley was dressed a very lavish sparkly gown. Ivy wore matted leaves as a body suit.
They both looked like kickass villainesses.
Daria internally cringed at her $12 dollar debut villainess get-up.

"Howdy Girls," she gave them a wave before stuffing the last of what was in her hand in her mouth.
"Donuts? gimme one!" Harley almost shrieked.
"Sure, I took loads, what have you been up to?" Then she blinked, "How are you normal, do you have gas masks too?"

"I made an antidote out of myself for her," Ivy explained, frankly exhausted from the endeavour.

"Oh, can you do me as well, I don't think Jonathan ever fixed me up with that resistance,"

"It won't last for too long if you constantly expose yourself to the toxin cloud," Ivy tried to explain. "Did Scarecrow say when it will dissipate?"
"I don't know anything about any of this, I'm just the assistant," She partially used snarky tone with that statement. Batman had succeeded in hitting a nerve.
There was what felt like two minutes of awkward silence.
"Met Batman today," Daria knocked back the last of her coffee.
"How did that go?"
"He was left in the room where the fear gas was deployed, guessing he's not in a happy place right now," she shrugged. At least there was some victory there.
"Anyway I want to try out this jacuzzi thing, anyone want to join?"

"Let's have a ladies' pamper session!" Harley cheered.

Edward had managed to play around with Batman In one of his traps. Much to his dismay, Batman had outsmarted the riddles and contraptions with his fancy gadgets. He'd managed to get away.
For now.
It was going to be a long night.
He got out his comically large green phone made for the occasion and dialled a few buttons.

"Jervis! What is your agenda for this fine evening, would you like to catch a Bat and friends with me?"

"You hardly need to ask, send me co-ordinates, I have the mind melding equipment, you'll love my latest disciples when you meet them,"

"Perfect, sending through, see you soon," he hung up and sent co-ordinates through text. They would bring the Hatter to another location with a new set of traps. Riddler aimed to head there shortly through the sewers.

He paused when he heard a single footstep echo.

He wondered if it had weirdly been his own as he stood up. He didn't hear another one after that.

He made sure to smash his small control set for the place he was currently at before walking in the direction of the sewer tunnels.

"Enjoying so far?"

Edward practically jumped out of his shoes if they hadn't been laced so tight. Scarecrow was leaning against the wall of the sewer tunnel.

"How'd you know where I was?"

"A guess, after looking at your blueprint of all your traps around Gotham," He stood up straight, ready to walk with Edward.

"What's above ground like lately?"

"Soaked in dread, Daria released the gas cloud before Batman could destroy the operation."

"Proud of her?" Edward teased.

"You have no idea," Scarecrow grinned behind his mask. He couldn't wait to see Daria again. His mind was replaying the kiss from earlier and he had been so prideful of her ability to evade batman and set off the fear cloud.

The two walked down the sewer tunnel in comfortable silence. Edward fantasised of Batman being helpless against his marvellous traps. Scarecrow fantasised of Daria warm breath against his skin as he kissed every part of her.

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