Chapter 61

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The drive to Ace Chemicals was surprisingly hectic.
People were still rioting in the streets. It was not many as before, but still a lot. Some people had found gas masks but still had some of the fear toxin in them, or they were just revelling in the violence. Many of the GCPD seemed unaffected. Their tech probably enabled them to have gasmasks and airtight facilities at an early stage of the toxin's release. Afterall, it was well known that Batman got along with the cops and he had very fancy tech that was perhaps shared out.

Daria wondered why she hadn't seen Batman and his group of fighters as much, but she was in the library for what felt like two days, and before that she was in the random apartment with Scarecrow. Those apartments would have been covered by now. It would be underground that is safest as the cloud rose. It would probably be out of Gotham, or fully dissipated in a few more days.

As an ex-student of a mastermind psychopharmacologist, Daria was excited to develop something new. It would be a breakthrough in organic chemistry. Daria hadn't been noticed as a good chemistry student. Jonathan had been the one to really help her excel in the field. Despite all their twisted moments, Daria had found the person she loved so strongly.

There's nothing like a localised apocalypse to bring you close to your loved ones!

The sound of Helicopters began overpowering the shouting of people in the streets.

"I was wondering when the military were going to get involved,"
Daria could hear the pride in Jonathan's voice. He had caused so much disruption. She wondered if the gas cloud only covered Gotham or if it had terrorised other parts of the country.
"Is this an issue that needs solving?" Ivy asked, ready to bring down the helicopter.
"It's fine, unless you have a way of alerting the others in the library, but they'll hear it for themselves. Joker will have a plan or 'impulse' of action, I'm sure." Jonathan didn't look at anyone for discussion or agreement.

"Park up by that fire exit on the right, we'll enter through there." He leaned into the front to point over Edward's shoulder.
"Aye-Aye," Edward hollered, spinning the car slightly to a park close to the door, taking everyone for a few seconds of unexpected fast drive. "And we've arrived. Thank you for choosing Riddler ride-a-longs."

Daria took a sharp breath in, trying to dispel the nausea from the quick movement. Edward laughed at her from the driver seat.

Daria, Ivy and Edward followed Jonathan into the door after he used a previously known code on the keypad. He walked around the building like he knew it well. Daria figured he had done some work there.

"Jonny, honey, did you ever find out the ingredients of our special pink powder?" Ivy asked once a laboratory had been picked. She sat up on the table and crossed her legs.
"Yes. I did. And I know you still have some with you Ivy, which you gave to that dying girl." Jonathan smiled back at Ivy, "I'll also need some of your blood so I can test for when the substance is too potent." He began setting up a microscope on the lab table. "I was quite honored and surprised, Dr Isly, when I saw that my much-loved blue flower was an ingredient in your potion."
Daria's head snapped back to Ivy, surprised. The drink she'd seen Ivy go 'hulk-mode' from months before had shown no signs at all of being like Scarecrow's terror toxin. Perhaps it was the way it affected the mind and body's responses, releasing adrenocorticotrophins and other defensive responses.

"Any equipment needed?"
"Yes, I'll write a list for you and Edward to grab from around the building."
"I'm not a maid, Jonathan!" Edward exclaimed, repeating a theme from only a month before.
"No, you're my scavenger buddy, come on let's go, I'll talk to you about all the most boring topics there are!" Daria almost skipped out of the room. Edward gave Jonathan a playful frown and trundled off to follow Daria.

Ivy began to grow the roots of the special flower that had produced the two key botanical ingredients around her arm. She needed fertiliser or dirt for it to rest. Daria and Edward would find some hopefully.
Jonathan didn't move to action; he was waiting to say something.

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