Chapter 47

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                         *Filler Chapter*

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"Shh." Damon whispered closing the door, I sat on my bed staring at him curiously.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered he rolled his eyes going to my bathroom turning on the bath and sink water.

"Ok? What're you trying to hide from them?" I asked about Stefan and Rebekah.

Let me catch you up, we ended up back in Mystic Falls. Klaus realizes that he and Amelia only needed Elena's blood for hybrids.

Rebekah is staying with us while they're gone, Stefan is turned full on ripper and everybody is trying to find a way to kill the Mikaelson siblings.

"They know about Mikeal." He said and my eyes widened. Yeah he knows all the family secrets.

Since he married into it, he knows just about everything. Stefan doesn't know anything, other than Damon married a Mikaelson.

"Remember the cave, Kol used to take you too?" He asked

I giggled, Uncle Kol was sneaking me out the house for the first time. While everyone else is sleep.

"Shh, quiet darling." He looked at me smiling as we made it out the house undiscovered.

I covered my mouth to silence my giggles, we went out into the woods underground "Where are we going?" I laughed.

"We're almost there. See when I was little our family would come down here all the time, it was our hiding place, well that is until Mikeal found it. We carved our names here onto these very walls." He picked me up.

I saw white writing n the wall, but I couldn't read it "Uncle Kol, what is that?" I whispered pointing.

He chuckled "That was the language back then....there is Niklaus, Amelianna, Rebekah, Elijah, Henrik, Mother, and father." He pointed.

My mouth was wide open "Wow, can I write mine?" I asked and he smirked "Well you didn't think I brought you down for nothing did you?" He smiled.

He wrote my name in the same language, since I couldn't use a knife.

"It's still there?" I asked surprised and he nodded pacing "Mm-Hmm and Elena has all these questions about," He pointed.

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