Chapter 69

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"What the hell, Damon!" The green-eyed Salvatore exclaimed walking over to his unconscious niece.

Damon started to freak, considering that knocking out his daughter didn't stop all of the crazy things she was doing to the small town.

"I-I don't I—Man I-I thought it would stop it!" He pulled on the tips of his raven hair. "She's a Mikaelson, you idiot!"

"Amelia!" Stefan called his sister-in-law seeing as his brother was too freaked to do anything other than worry for his daughter.

The trybrid sped downstairs, after getting off the phone with her twin brother, who was telling her about the catastrophes outside and the raining blood.

"What's going on? Nik said it's raining blood." She saw her daughter laying out on the couch in an uncomfortable position, she could feel all the magic radiating off of her. Amelia walked over to the 10-year-old running her hand over her head moving the hair from her face.

Amelia's hands started to glow a bright white that looked golden. The boys stood looking at each other not understanding what was happening.

A little while later, their house stopped shaking and no more crashes were heard. Amelia leaned up "She'll be fine and so will the town."

The boys were still confused "Want to explain?" Stefan asked while Damon sat next to his daughter placing her head in his lap, running his hands through her hair just happy she was gonna be ok.

"Madison and I have a connection with nature. While she may be a firstborn Mikaelson witch her connection with the earth makes her even more powerful. We're lucky I stopped before this whole town was drowned in blood leaving no one left." She explained rubbing her husband's shoulder for support.

"I mean we've been ignoring it for a while, especially you, babe. She needs to practice," Amelia looked at her husband who looked up quickly.

"No! No! She's not." He shook his head, he knew witches. Once they get a taste for magic they'll want more, and more means dark magic, he didn't want his daughter to end up like any of them. So no magic, only small protection things.

He had no idea, that the young girl had a grimoire already and that she was pretty good at magic when she really tried. It's not like he didn't know she could light an entire house on fire because he did, but he knew that It'd only come to that in serious situations. He wanted only small things to protect her, he didn't want her to get dragged in.

"Damon, she's right," Stefan spoke up looking at his big brother, all he wanted was what's best for his niece even if it meant going against her father's wishes, it was gonna help her.

"No, she's not and neither are you! Damnit, Stefan do you know what happened when she first used her magic?" The two vampires stood waiting for him to answer.

"She killed someone. Do you know how hard that was on her? she was 8, and she had to deal with the fact that she killed a person and you know why? Because she had the power to. I won't have her go through it again." He turned from them to his daughter again.

"She what?" The two asked shocked, "The curse? She would be a hybrid now then." Amelia said and Damon shook his head.

"It was no one human."

"Damon if she learns to control it that won't happen. I know you want to protect her, we do too, but she has to get help...this can't happen every time she gets sad or angry. Think about it the older she gets the worse it'll get."

Damon knew they were right, but he was stubborn and believed there was another way.


He made his decision picking up Madison taking her upstairs ignoring the calls of his wife and brother.

He laid her in her pink bed, placing the blanket over her. He bit the inside of his cheek holding her small hand.

A tear fell out of his glossy blue eyes. He wiped it away before it fell from his face. "I can't. You're the only good thing I got going for me right now besides your mother. And I know you're scared and sad, but I need you to wake up, and when you do I'll get you all the ice cream you want, you can get another dog, a bigger room, whatever you want. Just wake up and be, ok, be normal."

More tears fell out of his eyes, "I can't lose you, not again. And I love you so much, I didn't even think it was possible to love someone so much, you're the only person who keeps me sane, don't let me down. I love you, baby." He kissed her forehead wiping away his tears.

"Always and Forever."

A/N I hope you enjoyed I cried a bit writing towards the end. Tell me what you think.

Anyways, I just published a new book called "Steal Your Heart" I'm really excited about it, and I know it seems like it'll be a childish book because it's an Austin and Ally fic, but I changed it to be more mature and realistic.

My main character will have relatable issues, I suggest reading it there are already 2 chapters posted and more coming tomorrow.

Love you guys, bye 💕😘💕

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