Chapter 7

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Something's wrong with Vicki, she came over acting all weird.

Maybe it's because of those little pills she and Jeremy take. Elena and Stefan Just walked in.

Stefan started looking over Vicki a vampire too? "Is Vicki a vampire?" I asked

Lena and Stefan looked at me quickly "how do you know about that?" Elena asked "My friend Damon." I smiled.

"Madison, listen to me he's dangerous you need to stay away from him." Stefan said "no he isn't." I said

"He's right you know what's wrong with her?" Elena asked Stefan "yeah, she's in transition." Stefan said.

"I knew it." I said and Elena gave me a bad look "to what?" She asked "a vampire." Stefan said to her.

"What?" "Damon must've gotten to her she hasn't completed her transition, yet." Stefan said "how does she do that?" Elena asked.

Stefan looked over at me "Madison, go upstairs and play with your toys." Elena said "but.."I started "now." She said I groaned and went to my room.

I was playing with my dolls when the birds flew in "hi." I smiled "hey, maddy." They said and sat on my dresser.

"Do you know what's happening?" I asked "your friend is turning." Jill said "yeah you should stay away." Molly said.

"Ok, do you guys want to play with me?" I asked "sure, want to see something cool?" Spinn asked I nodded.

The birds started flying and moving in circles, feathers flew everywhere and they flew around making different shapes.

"Wow." I said "munchkin." I heard and saw dammy at my window. "Hey, dammy." I walked over and the birds all sat.

"You weren't kidding about the animals." He said "why didn't you come through the door?" I asked.

"Your sister wouldn't let me in." He said I looked down "she thinks you're a meany." I said he laughed.

"It's complicated." He said "how come you and Stefan don't like each other? I love my siblings." I said

"Move back." He said and came in and sat on the floor. "Want to here a story?" He asked I nodded happily.

"Ok, long ago lived two brothers...."

"Damon, Stefan this is Amelia she'll be staying with us." Giuseppe said to his sons.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Amelia." Damon kissed her hand and Amelia laughed. Damon was enchanted by her laugh, beautiful ocean blue eyes, cute dimples embedded in her cheeks, and her perfect, pink, plump, lips.

"The pleasures all mine." Amelia said her British accent coming out strongly. Damon was already in love with her.

Stefan could already see how much his older brother adored the girl, and was happy for his brother.

"You must be Miss Pierce." Stefan grabbed her hand laying a soft kiss on it "Please call me Katherine." She curtsied.

"I'm Stefan Salvatore, this is my sister-in-law Amelia." Stefan gestured to her.

Amelia looked and Katherine and smirked, While Katherine'd face flooded with fear.

"Wonderful to meet you Miss Pierce." Amelia smirked "pleasures all mine." Katherine said slowly.

Katherine and Amelia ran through the field Stefan chasing them. "We win." The girls giggled over time Katherine and Amelia developed a mutual liking between one another.

"What's our prize?" Katherine asked "what would you like it to be?" Damon asked from behind them. Amelia turned quickly at his voice.

"You're home." She smiled hugging him "I was simply having too much fun to return to battle, and I missed my wife." Damon kissed Amelia.

Katherine smirked with having the older Salvatore brother here, now she had two play things.

The only problem was, she had a Mikaelson in her way...luckily she knew how to fix it.

That night Katherine stole Damon away "Miss Katherine, did you need something?" Damon asked.

"Yes actually, forget about your don't love her anymore, but you adore me." Katherine compelled him biting her lip.

"You are truly the most beautiful thing on this earth Miss Katherine." Damon said and Katherine kissed her knowing the Mikaelson sister was coming.

"Damon?" Amelia gasped seeing her husband and the woman she once hated kissing "Amelia...I have fallen for Miss Katherine this was a mistake." Damon said not able to control his words.

"Damon she's controlling you, you have to fight it." Amelia said tears in her eyes "No she isn't, I truly love her and only her." Damon said.

Amelia glared at Katherine "you will pay for this." Amelia said and stormed off bumping into Giuseppe Salvatore.

"Amelia, how are you my daughter?" He asked "There is something you should know about Miss Katherine." Amelia said

"So you loved Amelia?" I asked Damon once the story was over "very much...I still do." He said.

"What happened to her?" I asked curious "she was taken." Damon said "how?" I asked "the night my brother and I were killed she came back, for revenge on Katherine and the townsmen took her." He said.

"Why'd they do that?" I asked "She was a vampire." Damon said I gasped "I'm confused do you love Katherine or Amelia?" I asked

He sighed "story times over kid." He stood up and went to the window "will you come back?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said just before he left he said something "it's always been Amelia." He said and left.

I knew he wasn't a bad man, he just wants the girl he loved back.

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