Chapter 60

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Since Uncle Nik went with my dad last night he's kept me held up in his house.

He says it's not safe and I have to stay here. I mean I can't even look out a window. Nick is with Tyler and the hybrids so Uncle Nik thinks he's safe.

He just got back from getting, Max. I was hungry and I had a problem...I couldn't reach the microwave.

Do I climb up here even though I'm not supposed to and have him hear it and get in trouble? or do I go get him?

I'm going to go get him maybe if I don't get in trouble he'll buy some more toys and ice cream.

"Uncle Nik!" I called he's the only one who can help me since Amelia moved out to go live with, Rebekah.

I'm guessing she's going against him and his hybrid obsession.

"Uncle Nik!" I groaned hungry "I want food!" I found him with Uncle Stefan and my face fell.

"Is someone dead?" I asked and turned seeing a guy chained up "Never mind he's about to be." I noticed he was bleeding.

Uncle Nik put his hand on my shoulder leading me away from him, Uncle Stef following.

"How about you stay away from down here and I'll give you ice cream for dinner." He smirked and I nodded.

"Deal. Now can you help me reach the microwave? I'm starving and you've been busy torturing that dude." I gave him an annoyed look.

He chuckled "So what's with the home invasion?" He asked Stefan leading him to the kitchen.

"Damon said you knew something about this guy. I should have figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from werewolf poison without wanting anything in return and kidnapped our niece."

Uncle Nik grabbed my plate and furrowed his eyebrows "Little wolf." He called and I peaked up at my plate of brownies.

"Hmm?" He gave me a look "This is not food." He put it in the trash and I crossed my arms pouting.

"Hey! That was mine!" I yelled at him "No that was trash...if you want food you should eat the beignets. I got them at the best place in Chicago." He said and my face lit up.

"What! No, she's 9 she needs to eat real food." Stefan said and I rolled my eyes "I am eating real food." I took the pastry from Uncle Nik.

"No—no you're not." He took it putting it in the trash "Kid, go play or something while I talk to your Uncle." Stefan said and I rolled my eyes stomping away.

"Watch your feet!" He yelled after me and I stomped one more time even louder before running off.

Third POV
"You think I'd leave my little niece's sister to die. I was feeling benevolent." Klaus smirked.

"You're never benevolent and we can talk about that later. Seriously, sweets? You're spoiling her." Stefan crossed his arms.

Klaus shrugged "She's a kid, why make her eat those disgusting veggies when she barely likes them."

"Exactly, she's a kid. She doesn't have a're giving her too much freedom." The young Salvatore argued.

"Do you want to know about the hunter or not?" Klaus ignored the guy. Stefan was getting annoyed with the original.

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